@Frida, great job and good point.
I will check my other boards next week, but have to solder them first -
@Kim, thanks a lot, often problems are located between the ears :-)
After taking a lot of care on USB port, I accidently pushed the SD card a little bit in the wrong direction. Its not broken mechanically. Has anybody a simple testroutine to see it working (hopefully).
Already tested a simple require, which stores something on SD, and that works. But I'm not sure this is a serious test. -
As far as I understand, DS18B20 is a serial device and A1/A0 are not serial ports, they are PMW/ADC, at least on Espruino Board.
Anyway, on my Espruino I tested same with port B7, and its not working.
Search failes to find the sensor.
Upgraded to 1v46 did not help.
Downgraded to 1v43 (r1.3) and it works, at least search works and I get a device back.
But 1V43 seems to have problems somewhere around "this", get an error that EOF was found where } was expected (???)
So this is not a solution for the problem. -
My installation is:
STLinkDriver 1.04.00
STM32 ST-Link Utility 3.1
Windows Driver Package - STMicroelectronics USBDevice(12/05/2012
All of this is installed using "start as admin"My main problem was the USB cable which was wired for power only.
Everything was installed on Windows 8, and is still running after updating to 8.1
- placing the board in an angle does not change anything.
- Adding a line
SPI1.setup({sck:A5, miso:A6, mosi:A7});
did not change anything. - On any call to read register I get back [0,0];
for(var i = 0;i < 63; i++){console.log(i,SPI1.send([i+128,0], E3));} - Adding a wait between each call did not change anything
BTW, testing same with SPI2 gives same result. Is there any way to recognize connected SPI devices ?
2ndBTW, dump returns this(and a lot of other lines)
SPI1.setup({sck:A5, miso:A6, mosi:A7});
Where is B14 comin from ? - placing the board in an angle does not change anything.
Is there a way to read acceleromter on STM32F4Discovery ?
I tried the example on http://www.espruino.com/LIS302DL,
but it always returns 0 for accx and accy on my board.
Checked it with Espruino version 1.45 -
I'm also interested in this. Just seen an 25€ offer in ebay (Germany).
As soon as I get my Ultimate Kit, this board could be something like a host for all Espruinos, ...
http://www.ebay.de/itm/STM32F4-DISCOVERY-STM32F429-TFT-LCD-STM32-ARM-Cortex-M4-Development-Board-/161177600716Regards from Krefeld(sunny, 3 degrees)
Juergen -
Hello Andrey,
for me it works this way. Type of sensor can be recognized in device info of sensor
Juergenfunction OneWireTemp(pin){ var me = this; me.ow = new OneWire(pin); me.device = me.ow.search()[0]; me.deviceType = me.device - ((me.device >> 8) << 8); me.readRegister = function(callback,n){ if(!n)n = 8; var reg = []; me.ow.reset();me.ow.select(me.device);me.ow.write(0x44,true); me.ow.reset();me.ow.select(me.device);me.ow.write(0xBE); for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){reg.push(me.ow.read());} return reg; }; me.getTemp = function(callback){ var t,reg = me.readRegister(2); t = reg[0] + (reg[1] << 8); if(t > 32767) t -= 65536; switch(me.deviceType){ case 40: t = t / 16; break;//ds18B20 case 16: t = t / 2; break;//ds18S20 } return t; }; }
Just checked on my STM32F4Discovery and it works fine with this:
var t = require("DS18B20").connect(D8);
BTW, V1.41 is an old version, did you test actual version(V1.44) form nightly build ?
https://espruino-nightly.noda.se/regards Jürgen
Prototyping works fine in Espruino like this:
function a(v){ this.a = v; this.inc = function() {this.a++;}; }
function b(v,x){ a.call(this,v); this.b = x; }
b.prototype = a;
b.prototype.constructor = b;
var t = new b(1,5); console.log(t.a,t.b);
t.inc(); console.log(t.a,t.b);I now would like to create something like OneWireDS18_20 using prototype and cannot get it working.
function myOneWire(pin){ OneWire.call(this,pin); }
myOneWire.prototype = OneWire;
myOneWire.prototype.constructor = myOneWire;
var myOW = new myOneWire(D8);
console.log(myOW.search()); -
I've had the problem in a big function and reduced to show the problem.
Simple example for the need could be to- have a blinker running
- need the status of the blinker somewhere else in your code
Right now I help my self using a get-function, instead of b.a
Any handling of a (line 5 and 6) should cause an error in my understanding.
In jsfiddle it does.
Before running this short example my board(32STMF4Discovery) was disconnected and "reset();" was sent in terminal window, before transfering the source above.
- have a blinker running
trying this, I would expect an errormessage for incrementing a.
In Espruino, a is incremented twice, and in log there is 1 3 5 ....21 23
But by typing console.log(b.a) thje answer is 0, always.
I'm confused, so is the problem on my side or is it Espruino ?function test(){ var interval; this.a = 0; interval = setInterval(function(){ a++; this.a++;console.log(a,this.a); },2000); } var b = new test();
By inserting a new card, I must have pushed up a little bit and the holder broak.
I did not push really hard, all connections are ok, just tested with readdir and it works.