EFEU is, or will be soon, offline.
My server needs an update, and it will take some time to get it running again.
It is connected to an update of my contract.
Usually in a case like this, you've to expect unexpected problems ;-)
Right now, to give an example, 2 server instances are fighting for one domain name. -
Yes, Prinzenrolle is a kind of biscuit, welknown at least in Germany and easy to recognize.
Area 2-510 is used for conferences and presentations.
Usually lot of people are in this area, hard to meet someone, you never saw before.
Follow the Prinzenrolle, and you have a good chance.
I'm curious if anyone will come ;-)Some big companies(ST,Xilinc, etc) pulled out, so lets wait and see.
I love feedback like this :-))
@Gordon, may be, you could add something like addShortcut to Espruino.Plugins.KeyShortcuts ? -
During testing I often missed a function to send selected code from Editor Window to the board.
Examples are:- replace code for one function only
- add a list of testing commands to source
- recall functions like init
Obviously use of copy from editor and paste in terminal would help.
For my needs it became long-winded, and a hack was born.
Installation of quick hack:
- start webIDE (https://www.espruino.com/ide/) in chrome browser
- open devTools of chrome browser for this window
- copy following source to devtools console
- there should be a new button named P2B (post to board) at the end of editor buttons
- select code, you want to sent
click the button
a = document.createElement("a"); a.id = "icon-paste"; a.title = "paste to board"; a.onclick = function(){ var cm = Espruino.Core.EditorJavaScript.getCodeMirror(); var txt = cm.getSelection(); var tmp = Espruino.Config.RESET_BEFORE_SEND; Espruino.Core.MenuPortSelector.ensureConnected(function() { Espruino.Config.RESET_BEFORE_SEND = false; Espruino.Core.CodeWriter.writeToEspruino(txt,function(){ Espruino.Config.RESET_BEFORE_SEND = tmp; }); }); }; a.innerText = "P2B"; x = document.getElementById("icon-deploy"); x.parentNode.insertBefore(a,x.nextSiblingElement);
- replace code for one function only
I would like to have a gesture-collection-generator
Gestures for your project could be done in 3 steps:- first record gesture(s) and store in database (on Espruino ?)
- select gestures you need in your project
- train gestures. The more people sent their recorded gestures, the better.
Once you got the result, it can be used in your project.
- first record gesture(s) and store in database (on Espruino ?)
Waiting for my bangle, I've created some special charts.
Thanks to MaBe I know its working on Bangle.
Inside PIE and other charts, there is a Q&U solution for arc used.
https://github.com/jumjum123/Bangle/blob/master/modules/BangleChart.js -
I couldn't resist, see your page with translation by Google.
As far as I can see, all formatting is ok, at least with chrome browser.
Lines 516, 522 and 943 to 953, are added to your html.
Translation itself is google like (Schachtelsätze sind furchtbar)
Far away from being perfect, but much better than nothing. -
during some testing, I tried to compare speed of 2 solutions.
It figured out, this is not possible. As you can see in listing below, even for simple loop result is not reliable.
To avoid misunderstanding, I'm pretty sure reason is not Espruino or emulator.
Would see reason being located in browser and/or OSvar d = new Date(); for(var i = 0; i < 1000;i++){var b = 1 + 3;} console.log(new Date() - d); 17 =undefined >var d = new Date(); for(var i = 0; i < 1000;i++){var b = 1 + 3;} console.log(new Date() - d); 15 =undefined >var d = new Date(); for(var i = 0; i < 1000;i++){var b = 1 + 3;} console.log(new Date() - d); 26
A guy from Heise wrote about first experiences.
Good and helpful article. Sorry, its in german only.Frustrating are the comments.
Most of them read the word Javascript and switch their brain to deepSleep.
In this mode they still have the power to tell the world their "facts"- its not C, will never work
- JS needs MB of RAM, anything else is impossible
- it will be horrible slow
- JS eats power like crazy
- etc. etc.
As mentioned above, its frustrating
- its not C, will never work
Its an early state for questions like this, anyway lets start to be prepared once we get bangle.js
Gesture event gives some xyzxyz....xyz info. Hard to recognize gestures based on that.
AFAIK bangle needs tflite and tfname files to recognize gestures, which are then given in aiGesture event.If I'm not on the wrong train:
Will there be a standard file set, for example with gestures from kickstarter video ?
How could we create our own gestures, for example drawing an horizontal/vertical circle in the air?
Will we have something like a gesture library, so we could create special sets of gestures for an app ? -
Software with some demos, including some special commands for high speed.
require("Font8x16").add(Graphics); require("Font6x8").add(Graphics); function Led64x32(){ var me = this; var Pen; //pin Enable var sfnc,dfnc; // bound functions to shift data and set address var ledBuf;//graphics.buffer for LED var arr; //array of drawing functions var boardDur; //refresh time for panel in mS var tmr; //interval timer for refresh me.init = function(board){ switch(board){ case "ESP32": initPins(D2,D16,D4,D17,D15,D27, D5,D18,D19,D21, D26,D22,D25); boarDur = 20; break; case "Espruino": initPins(B3,B5,B4,B6,C11,C10,B7,C9,B8,C8,C6,B9,C12); boardDur = 10; break; default: console.log(board + " not supported (yet?)"); } return initGraphic(); }; me.stop = function(){if(tmr) clearInterval(tmr);}; function initPins(R1,R2,B1,B2,G1,G2,A,B,C,D,Latch,Clock,Enable){ Pen = Enable; sfnc = shiftOut.bind(null,[R2,G2,B2,undefined,R1,G1,B1],{clk:Clock}); dfnc = digitalWrite.bind(null,[Enable,Latch,Latch,D,C,B,A,Enable]); } function initGraphic(){ gr = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(64,32,4,{interleavex:true}); ledBuf = gr.buffer; createFuncArr(); return gr; } function createFuncArr(){ arr = []; arr.push({callback:Pen.reset.bind(Pen)}); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++){ arr.push(new Uint8Array(ledBuf,i*64,64)); arr.push({callback:dfnc.bind(null,33|i<<1)}); } arr.push({callback:Pen.set.bind(Pen)}); } me.start = function(){ tmr = setInterval(function(){ sfnc(arr); },boardDur); }; me.frame = function(c){ me.clear(); if(!c) c = 7; grf.setColor(c); grf.drawRect(0,0,63,31); grf.drawRect(1,1,62,30); }; me.clear = function(c){ clearInterval(); grf.setBgColor(0); grf.clear(); }; } var lf = new Led64x32(); var grf = lf.init("Espruino"); //Some demos function color(col){ clearInterval(); if(!col) col = 0; grf.setBgColor(col); grf.clear(); lf.start(); } function graph(){ clearInterval(); var barh = 5; grf.setBgColor(6); grf.clear(); grf.setColor(2); grf.fillRect(5,12,50,25); grf.setColor(4); grf.fillRect(10,14,40,20); grf.fillRect(10,0,40,0); grf.setColor(7); grf.drawRect(0,31,5,5); lf.start(); setInterval(function(){ barh++; if(barh>24) barh = 1; grf.setColor(0); grf.fillRect(1,30,4,6); grf.setColor(1); grf.fillRect(1,30,4,30 - barh); },200); } function xmas(){ var pnt = 0; var px = [[10,10],[25,20],[30,15],[40,14]]; function flicker(){ grf.setPixel(px[pnt][0],px[pnt][1],2); pnt++;if(pnt>3)pnt = 0; grf.setPixel(px[pnt][0],px[pnt][1],7); } lf.frame(7); grf.setColor(2); grf.fillPoly([1,1,1,31,30,16,1,1]); grf.fillPoly([15,3,15,28,40,16,15,3]); grf.fillPoly([28,6,28,25,50,16,28,6]); grf.setColor(7); grf.drawLine(6,2,8,2); grf.drawLine(6,30,8,30); lf.start(); setInterval(function(){flicker();},300); } function txt(t,c){ if(!t) t = "Open"; if(!c) c = 2; var cbg = 7; lf.frame(cbg); grf.setColor(cbg); grf.drawEllipse(2,2,62,30); grf.setFont8x16(); grf.setColor(c); grf.drawString(t,36 - grf.stringWidth(t) / 2,7); lf.start(); setInterval(function(){ cbg--;if(cbg<1) cbg=7; grf.setColor(cbg);grf.drawEllipse(2,2,62,30); grf.setColor(8 - cbg); grf.drawString(t,36 - grf.stringWidth(t) / 2,7); },500); } function magic(){ var col = 1;radius = 15; clearInterval(); grf.setBgColor(0); grf.clear(); lf.start(); setInterval(function(){ col++; if(col>7) col = 1; radius--; if(radius < 3){ radius = 15; grf.setColor(0); grf.fillCircle(30,15,15); } grf.setColor(col); grf.fillCircle(30,15,radius); },100); } function mondrinator(){ var rndCol = function(){ return Math.random() * 6;}; var rndBorder = function(){ return 1 + Math.random() * 7;}; var rndRect = function(){ return Math.random() * 4;}; clearInterval(); lf.start(); function showNext(){ var right,left,top,bottom,rectId; grf.setBgColor(7);grf.clear(); grf.setColor(rndCol());left = rndBorder();grf.drawLine(left,0,left,31); grf.setColor(rndCol());right = rndBorder();grf.drawLine(63-right,0,63-right,31); grf.setColor(rndCol());top = rndBorder();grf.drawLine(0,top,63,top); grf.setColor(rndCol());bottom = rndBorder();grf.drawLine(0,31-bottom,63,31-bottom); rectId = parseInt(rndRect());grf.setColor(rndCol()); switch(rectId){ case 0: grf.fillRect(0,0,left - 1,top - 1);break; case 1: grf.fillRect(64-right,0,63,top - 1);break; case 2: grf.fillRect(0,32 - bottom,left-1,31);break; case 3: grf.fillRect(64-right,31,63,32 - bottom);break; } setTimeout(function(){showNext();},2000); } setTimeout(function(){showNext();},2000); } function pie(){ var i,last; lf.clear(); last = 0; centerX = 45; centerY = 16; var data = [[20,1,"Apple"],[30,2,"Beef"],[40,4,"Beer"],[10,6,"Pills"]]; function drawPie(pnt){ grf.setColor(7); grf.drawLine(0,0,0,31); grf.drawLine(1,0,1,31); var i,dt = data[pnt]; var polyData = [centerX,centerY]; var s = Math.PI * last / 100; var x = centerX + Math.round(Math.cos(s) * 15); var y = centerY + Math.round(Math.sin(s) * 15); polyData.push(x); polyData.push(y); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ last += dt[0] / 10; s = Math.PI * (last + dt[0] / 10 * i) / 100; x = centerX + Math.round(Math.cos(s) * 15); y = centerY + Math.round(Math.sin(s) * 15); polyData.push(x);polyData.push(y); } last += dt[0]; grf.setColor(dt[1]); grf.fillPoly(polyData,true); } function drawText(pnt){ var dt = data[pnt]; grf.setFont6x8(); grf.setColor(dt[1]); grf.drawString(dt[2],4,pnt * 8); } for(i = 0; i < data.length;i++){ drawPie(i); drawText(i); } lf.start(); }
About a year ago, Gordon added some functions to support Led panel with 64x32 color pixel.
At that time, I got it running on an ESP32.
Some days ago this came back to my fingers, and I tried to get it running with one of the first Espruino boards.
Big surprise, these older boards are much faster than the ESP32. To make it more visible, some lines are witten and the result is what you see in attached images showing a P5 board. -
My knowledge about TensorFlow (see Bangle.js) is close to 0. Before I invest time in that, I would like to get an idea from the expert whether my idea would be possible at all.
Could we implement tensor flow for the MDBT42Q board to get speech recognition?
For the beginning 18 words from standard (18w) would be fine. If we could have or train an additional start word (like Gordon or Espruino for example), life could be wonderful. -
Being no #11 in kickstarter.
Got my Bangle (Germany) on monday.
Considering the current problems this is very very astonishing.
Gordon should get an award from kickstarter