Hey folks, I seem to have picked up a couple of noticeable scratches on my bangle js 2. I believe the screen is glass, does anybody know if it's the kind you can sand down and if so what would be best for this? It works perfectly but the scratches are annoying. I don't fancy warming the glue up and opening things to replace the screen manually.
Interesting that you had the same issue. I don't have exactly the same permissions layout on graphene os - can you tell me exactly what permission you turned on under "other permissions"? I can raise with the graphene team and see if they hide those or if there's a way to access them on their forums. Thanks!
Hey there, I'm using the bangle js gadgetbridge app from google play on my pixel 8a running graphene os and when I trigger the "find my phone" function the notification pops up but no sound plays unless I unlock the phone, click the notification and open the app. I have granted gadgetbridge all permissions included "draw over other apps" but I think it may be missing a few from its requested set.
For one, the companion pairing options appear to be missing in this version of the app and are required in the docs: https://gadgetbridge.org/basics/pairing/companion-device/
For another, it looks like we need the the "open windows in the background" permission but the app isn't requesting this? https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge/issues/3309
Has anybody else had a similar issue and did you resolve it? If not, is there a drift between normal gadgetbridge and the bangle js version in terms of features being requested in android?
Plus 1 for adding buttons. You don't need loads but 1 just isn't quite enough. I agree re the square screen and I'd prefer better waterproofing to the barometer personally. A few more colors on the screen would be helpful when it comes to reading widgets etc as small ones get harder to differentiate due to the lack of contrast/different colors.
A slightly faster GPS lock would be nice but I assume that can be mitigated with AGPS anyway.
@Gordon hmmm slight snag, the button appears to have failed after a few weeks of usage and no longer clicks at all, I can't trigger it even after a battery change. Would this be covered under warranty? Temp sensors etc seem fine. Thanks!
Ah, perfect! Thanks, I'll bookmark those. Maybe make them text over icons for easier discovery? I wasn't aware those were active links on first glance.
Home assistant is coming along leaps and bounds - the next release will allow you to export historical CSV data directly from your dashboard widgets amongst other things. I'm impressed with how easily BTHome/ThermoPro devices integrate.
Re your vid, does it make any sense to hook in the light sensor for the doorbell or is that too inaccurate for calibrated use in daylight? Thanks!
Ah, I knew about https://www.espruino.com/Reference but not
Which link takes you to the api docs for each device? The links on the main page seem to take you to
I've bought quite a few of the thermometers and no issues so far - they take an AAA battery and last for months. The only problem is they don't seem to report battery life but for the low price I'll make do. 🙂
Ah, I must be looking at the wrong docs then - it does make sense to have a unified api for shared attributes; I concur. Please let me know the correct link and I shall bookmark that to avoid bothering you needlessly again.
I was thinking of putting it on a dongle but the issue is figuring out how much length I'd need and how to stop the antenna of the Feasycom flopping about which I imagine could do more harm than good for the signal quality. As the network interface is only 1Gb/s I think ~1/2 that speed isn't a game changer, just an annoyance for now. The drive is mounted as exFat for interoperability/easier data recovery so the speeds were never close to full gigabit anyway. Long term I'll move to a pi 5 with an SSD attached directly over PCIe which should mitigate the problem entirely without needing to mount cables on the wall or add more shielding (I hope!)
I should add that with the aerial working normally without USB 3 interference I'm seeing much better range than I expected. I tried out using BTHome on my Bangle JS and it was picked up in the 2nd floor bedroom through two different floors! Seems to pick up ThermoPro thermometer units just fine at that range as well.
If I plug both the aerial and the ssd into the USB 2.0 ports it's still not quite there but I put the ssd into the 2.0 port and the aerial as far away as possible in the USB 3.0 port it works - afaik the problem is the USB 3.0 transfer speed over the cables not the actual ports or controllers themselves. Either way I am very relieved I'm (hopfully) not going to need a bridge for a few meters across the front of the house. Phew!
PS: I wonder if this means I can now put more beacons/pucks around the house for temperature measurements...
PPS: Should I be using E.getBattery or Puck.getBatteryPercentage for the battery levels? I can't find a document that explains the differences via the forum or shop page. Thanks!
So, the plot thickens. I tried your code pretty much as is and it got through the first wall but not the door. I then noticed I had a usb ssd plugged into the pi right next to the aerial - removing the cable connecting it and voila, it works! Amazing, no need for another extra thing to plug in. The bad side of this is the pi is running my fileshare so I need a way around this - would a usb extender cable to get the aerial away from the pi be a good idea, something like this? Thanks!
Ooo clever, so even though the once per minute timeout call is recursive it checks for an existing timeout and clears it, then updates the advertising interval when it updates the sensor values based on if the button is pressed or not. I assume we have to clear the existing timeout or it only runs the once?
The code I have at the moment is very similar btw but I'm not being that clever with the ternary statement I was just setting it to a hard 20ms in the setAdvertising(options) object and using a once a minute timer.
Also what are you using as an esphome bridge? A smartplug or similar? I've be interested to see how you are powering it, what exact chip it uses and the range you're seeing if it can contact your router and outdoor puck from inside a tv cabinet. I was going to try tasmota myself as all my other esp devices use that but esphome seems simpler for this specific use case.
Ah filling might work better, good idea