Modules in the right, are resolved using your computer internet connection, and loaded with your code which is sent over serial/bluetooth to espruino device. In the left, you're on the espruino board itself and modules are not loaded. Indeed you've no guarantee of internet on some boards. Similarly, I woudn't expect you could require and resolve http addressed modules at runtime as you appear to be doing. "Unexpected reserved word" I don't know about.
Edit : Ignore, different pin choices seem to have sorted receive
Digging up an old thread, but it seems most relevant. I was messing with IR receiver on Puck with no issues, then decided to apply same on NodeMCU ESP8266, with same detection code as used on Puck and the array just fills with false positives, no signal anywhere near. I wondered if you'd encountered anything like this on NodeMCU @Wilberforce? You may not remember I understand.
1) Many routers let you reserve an IP based on MAC address. I've used this facility on a Netgear router on an Espruino/ESP8266 project of my own.
2) WebSockets if you can connect directly to the ESP8266 over LAN, MQTT if you need to be remote/WAN and don't want to open your firewall to your home network.
3) ESP8266 Espruino build has facility to save WIFI credentials independently of your sketch/code. Check out the documentation.Good luck
Edit: If you can't assign an IP based on Mac address go with MQTT. This negates the issue of a dynamically changing IP address, lets you use remotely without firewall compromise (which is often unsafe DMZ), and is great for two way communication.
If like Robodyn there’s an antenna embedded in the board itself, there’s a tiny hole in it. Trying shorting it and grounding at the hole. I can’t remember which worked, but on Robodyn that improved reception - which I believe is the issue.
Probably not practical fix as board gets very warm.
But problems I experienced on Robodyn just same as you describe and above worked.
The web IDE is very fast. It scans and finds the devices really quickly. And seems to upload quickly too. I didn't remark on it Gordon as I don't use the web IDE day to day, so don't have something to compare to.
I use (probably) an old/soon to be deprecated chrome app, but the if you want a comparison between those two - they are like chalk cheese for me. Web IDE much faster.
I started messing with a load cell, but concluded it would be just as vague as a bubble counter - nice graph but really only indicative of when process had finished. Batch size also needs to be factored in, whereas nice thing about the Tilt is it calibrated so as well as determining when finished it gives the OG and FG data and batch size is irrelevant.
Be interested to know if you got connected to it @Wilberforce?
It's possible that the Tilt doesn't advertise very often in order to conserve battery power.
That makes sense. Don't need second by second readings on a process which lasts 7 - 14 days. But if @Wilberforce can see it on Rasp Pi with Node.js, would that be the case?
@Wilberforce there is an OS project out there that uses Wifi called Spindel. Probably power hungry would expect, but for personal use, and putting patents to side, this is a really interesting project for accelerometer and Espruino.
I had to bring the baud right down to 9600 to get connected over serial. Anything higher and I have no console and get the prompt not detected error on upload. Is this the standard baud rate for Microbit - I didn't see it in the docs and I will add it if thats an omission?
Code upload great over Web BT and serial now.
I've put 1.99 on a Microbit. I'm having issues connecting over serial - I can't - from a Macbook with OSX 10.11.6
I can connect over Web Bluetooth, but can't upload anything. Though the same code pasted into the console works fine over Web BT.
On upload an example error response is :
>Uncaught Error: Function "setTimeZone" not found! at line 1 col 27 setTime(1530126694.283);E.setTimeZone(1) ^ New interpreter error: FIFO_FULL
@Gordon that RAK8211 looks interesting. But expensive. Would you be able leverage your clout with RAK if as a forum we wanted to set up a group buy? Just thinking out loud.
Also, at risk of asking a dumb question. The lack of a bootloader means we need another expensive piece of kit to work with these and this seems to be common on any BT boards you don't directly produce. But when OTA firmware updates on Puck and Pixl are so easy why is a bootloader not standard feature for these other boards?
Ha. I had completely missed this feature @MaBe. Cheers!
I'd make sure the battery is perfect, or you power it via other means. The range is not very far, but I had difficulty capturing and replaying a signal with a poor battery. A new battery improved things.