@Wilberforce I didn't realise ESP32 has started to ship! Now who's going to port Espruino :)
Edit: Scrolled down for spec and realise a pre-order. Still "expected June"
@dwallersv Odd. With nothing running, on a totally wiped board and to be stuck in the reset loop.. I've read elsewhere that this can be power, or pull up related but if you aren't running anything at all that's unlikely. Potentially a defective NodeMCU?
@dwallersrv @Ducky first thing to do is use 'erase_flash' with esptool.py. Then reflash it. This will clear any saved code.
I think this is related to module size. What build are you using on ESP8266?
When the ESP8266 port started we had 1300 JSVars. We had to cut down the MQTT module to bare basics to get it to load and leave some space for application code.
But there are now some ESP8266 builds out there with 1600 (even 1700 JSVars) and I do wonder if the core module would run in this - I haven't had opportunity to test.
Maybe seek out one of the latest builds - with 1600/1700 JSVars, and try again or try this cut down MQTT module which has worked very well for myself and a couple of others.
Thanks @MaBe, I'll catch you in Gitter to ask you about it, rather than hijack this thread :)
It's not the Pico per se that works or does not with the ESP8266, it's the ESP8266 wifi module that has required slight tweaks to work with the different ESP8266 firmware versions out there.
So you might need to try the different modules, but having said that, you can also change the firmware of the ESP8266 either by flashing via the Pico or via your USB-TTL adapter.
@tve 1600! :)
There's an open issue re this, here https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/issues/735 AFAIK pinMode is still required. I set it in the sketches I'm running on ESP8266, although I don't have latest build.
Thanks all for the info and tips. Very useful. Had a bash at hard wiring my MQTT temperature controller at the weekend. Made a right mess of it. Wrote off two ESP8266-01 in the process with my Maplin "lava lance"
I'll be investing in something better, and give the Lidl one a miss.
Tell me, does the quality of solder matter, is there a brand those in the know all use?
Also wire, do you just chop up the jumper cables and use those?
Okay, that soldering iron is garbage, and you're an idiot for considering it! (am i doin it right? :-P )
I think you nailed it!
Seriously though, do appreciate anyone that takes the time to offer info that will help me and maybe others move up the curve. I will be looking at the kit you mention.
Couple of things:-
Make sure you are running latest build (so if using that build thread you need to be going right to the bottom to get the latest added) but you should be able to ignore module not found warnings. If you are using @Gordons 1.85 Espruino build - that has built in support for ESP8266 - I don't think you will get them (someone jump in if that is not correct).
Also the code you are using looks old, the ESP8266 module API no longer includes some of those methods (as far as I know). All the documented ESP8266 methods can be found here: