Am I interpreting the docs correctly in that Puck can be woken up on a mag event. I can adjust the sample rate down but I still get readings even when the puck is stationary. I'm wondering if this is because the readings - despite the puck not moving - are actually changing. They differ each reading by a very small amount.
Which leads me to ask, if this is the case and the small changes trigger a reading, can the sensitivity be turned down so that when it is stationary the Puck can sleep.
Should there be Puck v2 would it be practical to add an accelerometer? I'm guessing in the absence of one, the magnetometer could be used as a proxy for this sort of thing by detecting speed of reading change?
Also, my kids have acquired Microbits and I'm considering putting Espruino on them. Is any of the Puck BLE piece likely to make it's way into the Microbit espruino build? I had a brief look at the Microbit spec and it doesn't appear to be a Nordic chip so I'm guessing no or it would be a lot of work that's not worth doing given the user base?
Here you go
For anything earlier you will need @tve builds I think
You can see/grab later builds at /binaries level.
Love my Pucks, let me say up front that @Gordon has done a fabulous job and I know it's a work in progress. But there are some issues I'm contending with.
Battery out. It's not obvious how often you'll need to do this at first. But you will. The battery is hard to remove. A reset/power down button would be good - or better access to battery.
Flashing. Reverting to Apple/Android smartphones to flash, seems like hard work. We could use a flash routine via the IDE or similar desktop tool, where we are programming the Puck.
Hub software. My eyes glaze over when I see the setup routine for that on a Raspberry Pi. A few have set it up and had no luck running it. I think someone has forked it and had some success. It just seems hard for the sort of person who might buy a Puck - when open to all - commercially. Again I understand this was a stretch goal of the Kickstarter, so the current incarnation isn't what it might look like eventually, but I'm interested in where this project might end up and whether there are other tools available.
Unrelated but relevant...
- Builds. Some, such as ESP8266 build, seem to have broken. I know this is not mainline, but I understood the ESP8266 specifics were pretty stable. I've no idea if Puck additions have impacted the build for ESP8266, but it correlates. We'd all like the latest version of Espruino however we are using it.
That's made my year ;)
As an aside, I started with the ESP8266-01 boards but eventually left them alone in favour of ESP8266-12 boards, or more specifically, development boards like the NodeMCU.
01 has really limited pin outs, less flash and you need to supply the power via FTDI and faff with flashing routines.
My current favourite is the D1 Mini (and replicas of). It's tiny and comes with pin header but you decide whether to solder it.
The NodeMCU is probably the best board in terms of exposing ESP8266 pins but it comes with pre-soldered pin header - great for breadboarding but it you want to use it in your application you need to pull all that out to keep it small.
Hope that's useful. Glad you are up and running!
Obviously breadboards are your friend, but maybe converse with @DrAzzy who designs breakout style boards for Espruino. If you are struggling others could be too, in which case maybe he can assist.
@Fisu Nice! I've tried it.
There's a tutorial here: http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js+HTTP+Proxy
Getting the bluetooth Hub up on a Pi is covered in the README of the repo here: https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoHub
This could be a very useful list for many of us!
Couple of alternatives, also multi-platform and free or free for hobbyist
Software - Visual Studio Code code/text editor
Hardware - For 3D. Fusion 360. Tried a few and very easy to get along with.