I use this for sailing, but I suspect that I am the only person at the intersection of Bangle owners and users of this particular model of wind instrument.
guess again :D
Cool, I did not even know that this project openwind exists.What we could use is are a bit more engineered categories. It probably does not make sense to see this app (and some others) unless you look for it. e.g. an extra category external sensors.
Looks ok for me. So all the movement we see is your arm. Some tuning of the ESS variables might be necessary.
Looks like the author of sleeplog already set the no-motion-threshold variable twice as high as in sleepphasealarm. A even higher value might work. If we can get more people to record their acceleration data it might be helpful.
Calibration on accelerometer usually only corrects absolute measurements (e.g. when standing still it should measure the gravity of the planet you are currently on). Bot the absolute value does not matter here, its just about movement vs no movement.
Correction: There can be also a calibration for no movement, but I don't think this is a calibration issue here. But you might want to do the test 1) from 4 posts above.
Wow, is that accellog from actual sleeping or did you play football while recording? Sorry for the exaggeration, but I have attached the plot of your log, there is no dormant phase to see.
You can compare it with the middle graph in https://ubicomp.eti.uni-siegen.de/home/dĀatasets/ichi14/index.html.en how it should look like.
So either the in your watch has some jitter or your arm. Maybe you can
1) record some acceleration data while the watch is on the desk, not moving
2) have someone to watch you while you sleep (or use a camera, you don't need to show us the movie), to check if your arm really moves that much.If it is your arm you might want to get some medical advice. I don't know if it is bad, but it does not look normal to me.
This app seems to use the temperature sensor as start condition. Assuming that the temperature check passes, can you record a night on the left and right arm with the Acceleration Logger?
Aah now I see. Someone should update the GPS auto time Widget to work with the Bangle2
Sorry, old thread. But I guess this never happened?