Yes, I use all my fingers. My assumption is that I use a different amount of force and the distance to each key differs based on the position of the key and which finger I am using. Maybe it is ridiculous though, it was just an idea I discussed with a friend over coffee, I haven't actually looked at the accelerometer data when I am typing.
This could be part of the step counter algorithm. There is already detection for walking, and I've experimented with distinguishing between walking and running. There could be an event for "start running" for a widget to hook into. That said, do you use that feature on your other watches? When I was gathering a list of features from friends with sports watches, this was one people said they didn't use because they prefer to start the activity manually.
This one.
Use the microcontroller's internal thermistor to work out the temperature.
This is really interesting! Guess it will vary somewhat from watch to watch?
On a tangentially related note, I was looking at the two temperature sensors earlier (barometer and internal temperature sensor), and I was surprised that they read pretty much the same. I don't know why I have in my head that another component might have a temperature sensor built in but not exposed... I might be misremembering something though.
Thank you @Gordon - incredibly fast, it has arrived already!
Ah fair enough. It is only in the past couple of years that I've done anything (minor) with electronics, so I'm still getting it into my head that datasheets are not that useful. I'll have a closer look at the source sometime, I glanced at it a while ago but I know you've made a lot of improvements to the HRM in the past week or so.
This is all so exciting!
I think recording the steps (not watching the counter) and counting can be good. We don't know which way other devices are skewed, so if you can walk normally and count then the data is useful. I find I can count accurately for 1000 steps, and then I get bored and my mind drifts, but for those 1000 steps I am pretty certain of my counting, and I think only for the first few steps I am paying more attention to the steps than I usually would (and possibly walking unnaturally).
The step counter doesn't do that . I was going to ask about it, because I had a look at the documentation for the accelerometer and saw that we could, but I'm not sure if it is plausible because something else might consume the buffer before the step counter does (don't "taps" require the accelerometer too?). Or can the accelerometer provide the latest value while still filling the buffer until the step counter needs it?
The event is very regular. I tried the app and I woke up late with a flat battery, which is why I looked at the source. I don't think it is only running for max 30 minutes. If I am not misreading something it does the calculations all night but only triggers the alarm max 30 minutes before the alarm is due to go off. I think only starting the calculations a certain amount of time before the alarm is due would spare the battery, but I wondered whether changing the way it gets the accelerometer values would help too.
I don't know what the advantage would be, if any. I ask because I was looking at the source of the Sleep Phase Alarm app and realised it uses polls for the accelerometer reading instead of using
Bangle.on("accel", ...)
. -
Interesting. Earlier in the day I had been running some code from the IDE, just playing around a bit, but the message showed up hours later. It is possible I had done something else in the mean time though, I am finding I manage to unlock and launch apps accidentally even with button press being the only active wake method. Probably because I wear on my right wrist.
Edit: just saw this again, and definitely haven't been using the IDE since the watch was last rebooted. I've had the clock open, and I've had the 15 puzzle open.
I have been looking for a particular paper that I saw but I can't find it anymore, but I have manages to find this one which I bookmarked https://asp-eurasipjournals.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13634-020-00714-2 and I think is very informative. Maybe we can discuss some approaches and goals sometime?
Heart rate, heart Rate variability and spo2 are the most common, but blood pressure is also possible. Arythmia detection would be interesting too, and breathing rate.