Hi there !
-> last message here:
I consider starting a new thread aimed at my project/its needs, not to polute too much the current one & later easier to rework for a tut ;p
Still, some of the following is relevant to the SD card question(s) ( particularly for the 2nd link posted in "the good stuff" )This being said, onto the good stuff, as well as few important questions I have left after re-re-reading the Pico documentation ;)
-- the good stuff --
For the pull request, it's just a quickie summarizing infos from the current thread, I hope it'll help ;)
I'll add an Espruino Pico component to 123DCircuits based on your Eagles as soon as I have time to :)
I wrote an update to the "Single Button Combination Lock": it now accepts multiple codes + additional tweaks :)
the code is here, as well as a quite-detailed doc on usage & debug colored output in browser:
https://github.com/stephaneAG/Espruino_tests/tree/master/SingleButtonCombinationMulticodesLockI also wrote some test code to "update"/"restore" config params ( read: vars ) & then reinit the Espruino.
If on any use, you can find the code here:
-- the questions left / thoughts on previous answers --
for the WiFi + SDCard, we agree, I just have to solder precisely enough to use USART2 ;)
for B3/SPI1SCK, I thought it could have side-effects as it's the clock line of the SDCard in my setup .. and I must admit I'm wondering how to have 3 different SPI devices connected if some pins have both SPIMISO & SPIMOSI or other "combo" ?
I did stumble upon the Pico-FET tut when looking for how to play PCM/PWM audio on the Espruino, and now that I have read it entirely + Pico#Power, I have yet more questions ..
I did not look long/good enough to find an example for the "deep sleep" functionality, a hint ?
Is it possible the "reset" the Espruino without losing all previously saved stuff ( aka power off then power on, to trigger onInit(), .. ) ?
If it's not possible, I guess a cap + a transistor & a pin to short it to Gnd 'll do the trick ?
In the same vein, is it possible to save stuff to flash without re-initiating ( aka, 'save()' specific stuff / entire stuff without then triggering 'onInit()' ) ?
Am I right to think 'save()' re-init but doesn't reboot ?
For B0/FET: when you talk about "monitoring the battery charge via software", have you an example of how to do so ?
Still for B0/FET: we can have our own battery charging circuit* before VUSB
with B0/FET shorted & no software-based battery charge monitoring, right ?I've seen some 555-based circuit that 'd charge a battery when it's below a certain threshold ( not that I implemented one yet :| )
-- main subject/goal --
( see images attached )
After stumbling upon a post on HaD, on hacking intercoms, I wondered if mine was also hackable, in which case I couldn't not pack-a-punch it :P !
Thing is, my configuration seems different than other intercoms, & not all infos I need were provided, so I wrote myself a quick doc' :)
Now, while I can successfully trigger the opening of the ground floor door when ringing the intercom, I still have some guesses on some parts of the circuit:using an external 5V power source is possible, but really not handy considering I have no socket near my appartement door. Using the 12V power source from the door opener ( "AP" ) seems a good solution, but I have to keep the Pico running while a relay shorts said-"AP" to Gnd, to open the ground floor door. In your opinion, will the circuit work as expected ( schematic n°1 ) ? any hint on some secure values for the components involved ( here, the cap & resistor ) ?
to get the Ringer not to kill a pin, I'm currently using the schematic n°2 to clamp a maximum voltage from the [3..10]V that's coming from the Ringer to an acceptable digital 1 ( aka, at least 2.5V). While it seems to work, I'm a beginner in using zeners, and after looking at the Pico#Power diagram, I wondered if a Schotty could be used instead ?
to be able to output some sound to the ground floor speaker, I may need to "rebias" ( right ? ) the circuit of the original mike ( that's off when "P2" is not pressed ). Here, while I don't know exactly how this part of the hack is done, I bet the transistors used in the schematic n°4 are used to vary the voltage on an already "middle"-d voltage ( when "P2" is pressed/simulated ) or also adjust the voltage to half the original one & wire that to the mic + ?
the schematic n°3 pictures both the circuit explained in Pico-FET & the one you advised: is the second correct ?
last but not least, when you talk about "cheap audio modules", are you including single transistor amps circuits, LM386 & Cie or more advanced ICs ? these could run from any pin, without the need to short B0/FET, as for the said-"audio modules" I guess ?
[ I can't help it ;P ] do you know if it'd be theorically possible to use a mike & speaker as not-ultrasound "disturbance sensor" echo/ping ( using FFT ? ) ? ( aka know if anything stands in front of / near a mike/speaker combo that'd face a wall at like ~2.5 meters )
( yes, goal 'd be to sense when someone is/stays before the intercom for some amount of time & play a not-creepy mario sound to help her waiting ^^ )
Thanks in advance for your help, as always useful,
Looking forward to reading from you on this, & hoping the repo's code 'll be of any use ;)+
ps: as you'll notice in the pics, the relay is quite bulky for the available space: I plan to switch it with a a MOC3041M + BT138 or just a TIP120 if it's fine, but I'm less familiar with TIP120 & the said stuff than my little NPN/PNP PN2222/2N3904/2N3906 :/
=> "time 'll help" ;D
ps2: the video shows the current state of the project running on an Arduino: it hasn't been tested yet on the Espruino & I don't wanna fry it ;p -
all right, both seems to work, even if the volume of the speaker is not loud ;p
nb: as B3 is also SPI1SCK, I guess it's not a good idea to have my buzzer on that pin, right ?
( although it seems to work, I bet it may cause side-effect, for the least .. )ps:didn't know wiring a speaker to a buzzer 'd result in audio being played twice / Espruino OOM
ps2: didn't know either my buzzer 'd sing when close to a soldering iron ;panyway, I post my current code below, it needs a few additions ( starting with "single button combination lock"-like input, which 'd trigger the rest, aka the playing audio & triggering a relay .. )
any personal hint on driving an 8 ohms speaker with a Pico using the smallest possible components while having a loud sound ? ( B0 stuff ? )
-> this being said, I'll be back [ right ] after reading the said-combination-lock tut'
see ya ++
All right, I added a quick doc on how to hack an SD card adapter in the FileIO page
-> I may add as well additional pics taken WHEN soldering ( may help some viewers think twice before tanning the MISO pad on the SD card adapter .. )-> I'll post back recordings of streaming off the SD & playing with the said-speaker as soon as done adding wires ;)
since I gotta solder an additional wire, the next video ( with PICOSPK as output, aka 8 ohms 0.25W speaker ) 'll arrive a little after the above one ;)
btw: I stumbled upon your "single button combination lock" -> I gotta say you made my day": with few modifs, it 'd be prety much what I needed for what I currently intend to do with the Pico pictured previously ;P
Nb: I also think about adding an ESP8266 to have WiFI capabilities, but I don't have any shim at my disposal :/
=> if I'm correct, I can have both Wifi & SDcard, right ? ( the Pico is soo little .. ) -
haha, you ROCK ! ^^
the following worked on the buzzer
var PICOSPK=B4; var wave = require("fs").readFile("G01.raw"); var w = new Waveform(wave.length); w.buffer.set(wave); //analogWrite(PICOSPK, 0.5); analogWrite(PICOSPK, 0.5, { freq: 40000 } ); w.startOutput(PICOSPK,15625);
Also, it seems I can't use B4 nor B7 for my bigge speaker when connected to USB/serial & using SDcard on SPI1 ;p
Haha, you up :)
-> for the File page, as usual, "if I can figure stuff out/help, .." ;P
-> for the SD card pic(s): I quickly posted the annotated one, in case someone stumble upon this post, but I'm willing to do it under illustrator, for a nicer rendering, as well as add annotation on the Pico pic as well, and also add the corresponding example code / pinout diagram
=> I guess I'll make such "page" with a github README.md & then post you the url for approval / fork to the Espruino repo, what'd be the easier for you ?-> concerning the Waveform code ( posted below ), I can record what's happening: I get a beep out ( as when using only "analogWrite(BUZZER, 0.5)" ) + some "noise" ( which seems close to what I get when specifying wrong sample rate while opening a file in Audacity )
=> as far as I can tell, it seems that whatever smaple rate is chosen / whatever the file, I get the above results ://* works fine */ // debug test the buzzer var BUZZER=B3; analogWrite(BUZZER, 0.5); // simplest bip analogWrite(BUZZER, 0.5, { freq: 1000 } ); // bip with freq ctrl ( here 1kHz ) digitalWrite(BUZZER,0); // stop the bip /* does NOT work as expected */ // output a 4kHz 8 bit unsigned sound file loaded from the SD card: var PICOSPK=B4; var wave = require("fs").readFile("G01.raw"); var w = new Waveform(wave.length); w.buffer.set(wave); analogWrite(PICOSPK, 0.5); w.startOutput(PICOSPK,15625); /* does NOT work as expected either */ var f = E.openFile("G01.raw","r"); var w = new Waveform(2048, {doubleBuffer:true}); // load first bits of sound file w.buffer.set(f.read(w.buffer.length)); w.buffer2.set(f.read(w.buffer.length)); var fileBuf = f.read(w.buffer.length); // when one buffer finishes playing, load the next one w.on("buffer", function(buf) { buf.set(fileBuf); fileBuf = f.read(buf.length); if (fileBuf===undefined) w.stop(); // end of file }); analogWrite(PICOSPK, 0.5); w.startOutput(PICOSPK,15625,{repeat:true}); //w.startOutput(PICOSPK,4000,{repeat:true});
-> I'm about to record the output of the 8 ohms 0.25W speaker connected directly to B4, I'll post that right below
-> for the said-samples, I attached few ( none seems to work for me, even though I encoded some myself using Audacity as exposed) -
Hi there !
About the SD Card page, I can write one / some of its content if you wish ;p
-> I built 2 adapters & wired one to a Pico, maybe the pics I took while doing so may be useful to some users ( as did the pics above for me ;) )Moreover, I have a little question regarding the SDCard waveform stream:
I may be doing something "wrong" ( aka wiring stuff directly, without no resistor nor cap ), but it seems whatever the raw audio file I try, with whatever sample rate, I just can't play correct audio on the Pico from the SD ( even with files tinier than 8kB, ex 4kB ).Beeping/buzzing is fine, but I intended to play PCM audio so .. not exactly right for my usage ..
thu, does anyone have a repo where I could find some samples that are working on the Pico ?
Nb: I didn't try ( yet ) to convert some to strings using the converter page ( .. ), but it'd be way more cumbersome than just loading these off the SD ..Looking forward to reading from you on this, keep up the good work ++
Back !
=> so:
1: using my webpage & audio_serial_inverted produced the following output:
2: on terminal refresh / opening in the browser ,I got
3: I can use "Serial1.print()" to print stuff in the terminal window :D [ "yayyyyy!" ]
[ 4: the last screenshot is a dumb tests .. as so many others .. ]
Got some work to do ( .. ), but I'll be back as usual when I can afford time to do so :)
Cheers, keep up the good work*
- yup, I'll take some Pico's now I need more Espruino's ;p
- yup, I'll take some Pico's now I need more Espruino's ;p
Allright .. actually, not, but here's what I came with during my last test(s):
-> in principle, I tested with no other app opened, so a notification sound seems not likely to occur ..
-> again, concerning the index.html terminal, I've never been able to type in the actual window ( maybe u have some js fcn I can call from the console to emulate me typing in ? ), aka typing keys on my keyboard does nothing when using the 1-way comm cable ( & when using the 2-way comm cable, it prints garbage more or less like what I can have in the WebIDE when using " Serial1.on('data', function(d) .. " )
( after looking at the console logs, it may come from the way the terminal accepts input & provides a prompt ? )-> using my simple page ( http://madtoyslab.com/Espruino/ ) & using the js console to set " audio_serial_invert = true; ", I don't get glitches but chars instead :D
( see screenshot )
=> thing is, for some reason, each of them gets displayed twice ( .. ), but no more garbage :)-> concerning the balance over one side, this is just something that I did while testing ( who knows if it could have helped me in some way / gave me some hint(s) on the pb ? ), but it seems I get the same with/without doing so ( when doing the above test )
-> I am about to try with unamplified input & the 2-way comm cable, but I guess it 'll continue to either print glitches or be quiet :/
=> although, as the "glitches" we're talking about seems to reverse to normal chars when using audio_serial_invert, maybe it's the same the occurs in the terminal window ?
-> actually, I can get my hands on a DSO Nano but nothing bigger .. :/
=> now testing the 2-way cable ( .. )
Nb: using Chrome Version 38.0.2125.104 (64-bit) on zenbook UX31A & Ubuntu 13.04
Thanks for the quick answer ;)
-> all right, I was definitely tired ..
.. I effectively used wrong resistor values :/ .. [ & kinda feel dumb to have screwed the tinier version :/ ]this being said, "shit happends", but it's no reason no to try again ;p
=> so, after switching the right resistors for the breadboard version & building a 1-way comm cable, I tried what you suggested & got "something" ( see the screenshots ), but stuff doesn't seem to go as it should:
-> I 've never been able to type in the terminal window ( the way you did it in one of your demo videos on headphone jack UART ) => is ' prompt = "" ' normal ? ( I remember seeing that in the terminal js console )
-> using EclipseOrion & the plugin just printed glitches when testing with
Serial1.on('data', function(d) { console.log(">>>"+JSON.stringify(d)); });
-> I also got glitches when using the page already mentionned ( http://madtoyslab.com/Espruino ) & using udio_serial_write()
I managed to get more "stable" signal tweaking my OS audio settings, & it seems that the 1-way cable is less prone to "be buggy*" on the host jack ( * for some reason, the TRRS cable seems to use the internal microphone when the plug is fully inserted ( or at least, that's what's displayed in the OS settings ( .. ) ) )
Last but not least, I quickly tested some code using the WebAudioAPI to check it's support, & it seems I can't get any sound playing on iOS right now :/ ( I'm pretty sure it may come from the way iOS needs an input before any sound to be played, but I gott digg stuf on that ( .. ) )
-> if you have any hint on this, the page(s) are hosted here [ with dummy-dumby code ;p ]:
http://madtoyslab.com/WebAudioContextTestsAlso, may this come from the need of a 10uF cap you talked about in your opinion ?
Thanks again for your time ++
.. Back after a huuuge backup & the so-called update [ pfff.. ]
-> webGl is now supported ( Yayyyy !!!^^ )
-> WebAudioAPI also seems supported but after diggin' around HTML5 examples, only one made its way on iOS: it seems we have to "unlock" audio 1st in order for things to work (..)After a quick try with the above page, still no luck, but I may investigate the why (..)
Nb: it gave me an error while I was messing around with javascript in bookmarks ( we canno more have javascript in the browser bar it seems .. :/ ), see the joined image+
-> Ok, got it! ( sorry for the whoopsy ;/ )
-> Yup, using Js for such things is just awesome ( Nb: I still can't get my hands on any canvas renderer for OpenJsCad, & may be looking on Three.js & ThreeX.js plugins to get that functionality ( I wonder if we could have the best of both world, aka parametric mesh in real time ( thx to OpenJsCad ) with canvas renderer & other niceties ( animation, .. ) thx to Three.js )
=> also, a dedicated controller on an Espruino controlling the so-called mesh parameters 'd neat ;)I actually had some tests in mind to do with some ATtiny85, but as you said I2C is not fast enough for some needs ( .. )
=> for the iPad/Android phone/tablet part, I guess we don't have any access to BLE peripherals from a WebView :(
This being said, using the HM-10 BLE ->UART i a neat idea indeed!Also, I have some updates [ that still need updates :/ .. ]:
-> I had littl' tile to test the headset jack <-> Espruino UART thing, and ..
.. I couldn't get it to work with neiher my iPad, an android tablet, nor my computer :/for the iPad, this may be normal, since WebAudioAPI requires iOS7 & above ( see I guess I'll have to upgrade my 5.1, & it well as migh bring WebGL to mobile Safari if I'm not wtong ( gotta check caniuse .. ) ;p )
for the android tablet, it may come from the OS version ( 4.0 ), since WebAudioAPI are supported in Android Chrome 39
I got an Android phone ( GooPhone ;p ), but the results are the same :/
for my computer, it supports WebAudioAPI, but I've seen that it seems to detect the TRRS cable for headset & microphone only when I don't plug it fully-fully ( may come from the jack entry used, but that's what appeared in the Ubuntu Audio Prefs :| )
Nb: for all the above devices, I even tried typing " javascript: audio_serial_write('LED1.write(0);'); " but no success either with it
Also, worth mentionning, the webpage I used is hosted here:
( when trying one of the procedures exposed in EspruinoOrion, I only get glitches in the "console-like" page )Not knowing if the trouble was coming from my wirings or the tiny circuit I did build [ in hurry ], I did a tidier version of your circuit on a breadboard, & made another jack plug as mentionned ( both are using TRRS to have 2-ways comm possible ), but it the result is the same as the tiny version :/
I am willing to backup the iPad I got & do that *** update ( if I get WebGL for OpenJsCad on it, it seems fair .. :/ ) & retry my tests when I got this damn mobile Safari WebAudioAPI support, but just in case, I didn't clearly get where I'd put a 10 uF cap ( would you please point it in one of the breadboard pics ? :) )
=> this may help to re-do my tests on the different devices ( .. ) :)I also post some pics I took when building the 2nd version of the cable in case it may help someone [ and that maybe one of the forum member 'll take the time to add a tut with them on how to have jackUART with Espruino [ & links to a "standalone" code for the 2-way comm' ] / be added to the EspruinoOrion github page, for clarity's sake ]
If I can, I'll be back right after doing that pad update, to tell you how it went ( .. )
Last but not least, the firmware update from the Espruino IDE worked flawlessly ;)** Espruino headphone jack as UART using a TRRSplug **
** tiny [tidy on the front / not on the back ] version **
** breadboard version **
Hi there!
thanks for the update ;)
=> now I wonder if we may be able to find a way to "select" to use the audio jack || the dock:
-> this would mean an easy way to have audio out & commands/effects programmable via audio as well=> Some time ago I stumbled upon this:
-> it's actually kinda neat ( kudos to @dashersw, the author ), and I'd be amazed to get that working in tandem with Espruino in a mobile-first interface/layout ==> LOTS of possibilities ;D=> About OnlineSCAD:
-> I actually visited the website a while ago, looking for a scriptable CAD offering possibilities & flexibility beyond using Rhino/Blender+Python scripts ..
.. and reading about OpenJsCad once again made it my best bet to replace OpenSCAD in my toolbox ..
.. funny enough, kudos to you, I actually didn't knew you were the author :)Last but not least, I received yesterday an ADS1115 breakout board ( 16-bit 4-chans ) from Adafruit ( :p ), digged the doc a bit ( didn't have time to have fun with it yet :/ .. ), and 'll check what I can achieve with Espruino as soon as possible ( it uses I2C to communicate, so this 'll be my first try on this with Espruino, although I expect some debug needed to use 4 of these boards together & their addresses ( .. ) ).
This being said, the other breakout board available offers higher sampling rate ( this one focusing on higher resolution ), wich could have been better ( free guess ? ) for audio apps
After that, it's up to coding some effect wrapper in js ( to keep a standardized coding style ), some so-called effetc(s*) & outputting in PWM if I'm right ?
- as seen on pedals.io, an effect chain of parametric effects 'd be gorgeous** !!
** aka maybe have on the tablet the interface with controls representation related to the controls present on the Espruino, & having the ability to push the so-called effects code ( & if used or not ) to the Espruino to allow its use without any other peripheral connected => sound quite neat to my ears :D
Also, I gotta find some cheap audio<->bluetooth dongle to test the jack audio comm from a tablet ;p
I'll give updates as soon as I time to do so ( .. )
in the meanwhile, happy holidays ;p+
- as seen on pedals.io, an effect chain of parametric effects 'd be gorgeous** !!
Hi again ! :)
-> I just woke up & had some time free to enjoy a littl' journey on hackaday ...
.. & stumbled upon your js based FSK for 2 way comm using the audio jack ;D=> neat !
Actually, it opens a lot of possibilities, and without the overhead ( in hardware size, at least ) of having a "audio jack modem" for FSK comm to an Arduino for ex ( I 've seen, as you sure did too, many videos on how to use such peripheral to have webapps comm to uCs ( mainly Arduinos ) ).
Anyway, big hardware or not, this is definitely the kind of stuff I wanna have in my toolbox, even if I had to build stg from scratch ( at least to know the inner workings like I like to ;D ).
It also make me wonder how hard it'd be to use another espruino[/pico] to interface the dock of the apple tablets ( I own a "RedSpark cable" to do so, but it needs it's dedicated library ( Obj-C ), and what I did found a way back, for iPods & other "MY-EGO" devices, was not more than how to get/set the "basic" commmands ( if I recall correctly, play/pause & prev/next ) )
=> Considering the size footprint of the Epruino ( and the Pico ;) ), we could have some really thin overhead & added possibilities WITHOUT paying any $$ fee :).
For the playback waveforms possibilities of the Espruino,yup, I digged / took quite some notes from your tutorials on the Espruino website ( & also in the sections dedicated to PWM & stuff ( .. ) ), & the use as a quick low-fi 'repeat box', as you call it, 'd be a simple yet neat littl' build to start with before emphasizing the project / build others upon it
=> this make me wonder if we could find a way to use the audio jack of,say a tablet, to pass audio to it, use it to stock the stuff we can't hold on the espruino due to the lack of memory, & then trigger the playback of the stuff from the espruino by sending some message over the audio
( R: I just woke up, & maybe dreamed about line-level hackety mumbo-jumbo ;p )In any case & joke(s) aside, the lack of memory is mentionned in many ( all ? ) the tutorials / docs I could read on building a 'low-fi' with Arduino's for ex, & the due/decimilia or mega were considered necessary, at least to be able to do the ADC/DAC part in an effective manner ( wayyy too much notes on this I gotta to test-implm, but as I told you already, time is running out by now .. :/ )
Is there a way known to you to use, for ex, 2 Espruinos || some specific external memory ( an Espruino "compute" extension ? ;p ) to benefit from the added memory ?
=> I was planning to find some DAC /ADC chips ( maybe from TI I guess .. ), and if I come across some well-known / used for audio stuff memory chip, I'd be glad to buy it & add it to the overall project(s)Last but not least, but on quite another subject, how fast do you think we can receive data from the Espruino to a tablet ( aka do we have a fixed max baud ? )
=> I recently [ actually yesterday ] had to digg OpenJsCad ( 'got to port OpenSCAD code to Js ( .. ) ) & fooled around the OpenJsCad.org default UI to get something closer to my expectations while hackin around ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl5DfWqfBas
=> no comment, I was happy & tired ;) ), and one othe stuff I plan to implement was shortcuts to control the view of the 3d object while I have the script editor in focus ( actually taking 1OO% of the width of the screen )
=> it's visually very close to what we have in your web IDE when activating the webcam in the background, with just the video feed being this time a 3d object being generated/configuredWhile it's visually appealing ( ok, I loved that feature in the Espruino IDE: simples yet practical for screencasting, etc .. ), an external controller 'd also be neat
=> now, what about running that from a tablet ( R: needs WebGL activated, as I didn't have the time to A: build an iOS wrapper app / B: maybe use Three.js & an alternative Canvas renderer ( .. ) ) & have for example a control board with few buttons & a joystick to do stuff ( .. )Whoppsie, message already too long, I stop now & post the schematics for the above pedal in case it may help ;p
Hi there !
Sorry for the delay, I had review your answer but didn't have the time to invest more the subject / writing back to you ( .. )
I guess I'll be opting for analog circuits controllable via Arduino/Espruino, or even use the uCs to modify the output in some way ( using PWM & some ADC/DAC stuff ( .. ) )
I recently ( yesterday ) had one guitar pedal enclosure drilled to be able to fit components in it, & as soon as I achieve a neat little circuit for audio, I plan to use the second one I have to do as explained with uCs ;)
Still, the need for flexible wires ( & correct diameter drills ) is coming, as well as maybe the PCB one ( the enclosure I'm using is actually quite tiny ), & but I'll be able to purchase some of that stuff soon, hopefully :)
Last but not least, I heard about Espruino pico today on hackaday, and all I got to say is "Congratulations!" [ & thanks for that neat littl' uC in js ;p ]
follows, my first implm of a guitar pedal, quite basic, but you know how first times are ;D
I'll be back as soon as I can ( .. )
Thanks again, I wish you luck ( but do you need any ? ;p ) for the Pico ;p
+ -
Hi there !
Willing to come back to Espruino & Javascript dev after digging a little more on guitar pedals, I'd like to know if someone has already tested implementing a guitar pedal using an Espruino board.
I think it 'd be kinda nice to be able to write effects using javascript ( & be able to modify them "on-the-fly" ), and I'll digg how to do so after implementing such stuff using an Arduino board [ & maybe an ARM one ( .. ) ].
Looking forward to reading from anyone interested / having knowledge on this,
I'll be digging stuff while not back at it ;p
sorry for the rotated photos: didn't took the time to rotate them ..