@fanoush I'm very surprised, but it's still bricked! It did power down in 2 days; I plugged it in, got the buzz, held the button > 3 secs and looked for a connection on the IDE. Nothing; reset BT, reloaded IDE; nothing. OK, so I let it power down again overnight. This AM, plugged it in, buzz, press button, buzz, LET GO.. and sure enough it went to DFU; reflashed espruino_2v08.5_DK08_SDK12 via nrfConnect, went to 100%, then disappeared (still plugged in to power). nrfConnect, DaFlasher can't see it at all, and of course the IDE can't see it. Perhaps I overwrote something very important in UICR? or the SDK itself? It seems to load the FW fine, so some of the soft device is working... don't know why it just disappears!! Did I miss a step somewhere? I'm stuck in SDK12, so I can't flash any other FW...
@fanoush Yes, I can be a little dramatic; was pretty sure it wasn't truly bricked... I'm letting it die, and I'm hoping it should just boot to normal (I don't think your fw runs '.boot0' automatically).. but otherwise, I have your other out; so thank you for the many escape hatches.
Burns me up to think that one tenth of a second of mental loss can lead to .. what... FOUR WEEKS of recovery? This watch lasts forever!! I actually had it for four weeks before I flashed it and the battery read 44%!!!
At this point, the SMA Q3 will arrive before the DK08 is ready! Crazy...
Before I even took a moment to thank you, I bought one! A bit pricey indeed, but you guys deserve it; a lot of work put into making this idiot (i.e., me) proof; yes more to come, and being an idiot, I'll be glad to share how I've managed to break it with you.
BTW: yes, I'm desperate (just bricked a DK08*), but i think another good reason to buy this at this price is to support you. You're doing great work for a community and making IoT an easier step for those starting out.
- lesson for all: never write "eval(require('Storage').read('myfile.js'));' then save it to Storage as 'myfile.js'.... meant to save to RAM...
- lesson for all: never write "eval(require('Storage').read('myfile.js'));' then save it to Storage as 'myfile.js'.... meant to save to RAM...
@fanoush Hey man, I'm finally getting around to flashing the DK08, and because I am capable of ruining everything easily, Just want to verify that I follow your instructions on your github site for DK08... so I do NOT need to load ATC's bootloader first... correct? Just upload the minimal F07 espruino, modify the UICR, update the bootloader, load up the full firmware. ?
only other question.. ST7301 driver for Espruino. Does that exist anywhere?
Any one have luck with the P8 / accel? I'm able to get x,y,z from it, but as for step counts, or setting the interrupt I'm lost. I've got datasheet for 423 (allegedly the same as 421...??) and sample C code from several sources, but I can't seem to get anything useful. Looks like µPython got it working, and I'm following the logic, but no luck!
you can double check here, but it looks like you just call
require("iTracker").setGPSOn(false, callback);
to turn it off. -
I can't answer officially (I'm not an official), but you should read this.
If I'm not posting in the right place, please LMK. I have jeffmer's P8 firmware (2v09.343) running on my P8. Things are looking good, but the ACCEL doesn't seem active (ACCEL.read() ={ ax: 0, ay: 0, az: 0 }). I tried to ACCEL.init() but still doesn't give any readings. Watch won't wakeup on raise. Anything I can try before declaring my accelerometer to be DOA?
I like the idea of relative heights/widths (DroidScript does this for Android: 1.0 = full width/height, so use 0.5 for half etc) as it should adjust to other screen sizes automatically. Also if fonts were (somehow) density-agnostic (like device independent pixels) so if I load font_small it's 4x6 on lower resolutions and 6x8 on higher.
I also like the layout manager approach: I'm guessing "v" is vertical here, so top -down is simple, then nesting an "h" inside the first "v" element gives you a grid, and you could have anchors like "ne", "n", "nw" to align to corners, top, bottom (in an abbreviated format)
also it would be nice if the Layout automagically knew to redraw when it's content changed so you wouldn't have to .clear() .update() ... just .render(). That last one may call g.flip() as needed too?
now mapping 12-bit colors down to 3-bit... ouch.
May be a good idea for someone with LOTS of time on their hands to go through the bangle apps and try to lay them out using these rules, see how complex it gets, see where the majority tend to pattern.
If you're not needing a spare, I'd be up for a DK08 (while waiting for the Q3 to be finalized). I was wondering if you have any interest in the full Android smartwatches that run the MT6739? I have a Thor 4 Plus with an OLED 1.3" round screen that's gathering dust. A different beast to tackle I'm sure, but I'll bet Espruino would scream on it... (I know, a lot of work to port it).
Anyway, LMK how much you'd like for a DK08.
Having (non-GPS) step counts kept between app runs would be great. I've had to code a logger into my watchface engine so on startup the count resumes and resets on new day. GPS is great unless you can't get signal.
For me personally, I don't use it as a fitness tracker other than daily steps (which is relative from day to day rather than an exact measurement).
@fanoush Thanks for the update! Runs well on my F07 and now I see a vibrate() command! Can't say it's much brighter, but it's sure smoother. Nicely done. Clock is nice too ;-)
So you're using the F10 more now? How is it different?
Do you have a pinout list for this? Something I can experiment with to see if I can find a way to up the brightness?
Yes, it's back now, and I've already heavily borrowed your demo to make a basic watchface. But it's so dim you can't see it at all outside. I haven't updated the firmware from iBand.. will that restore it to factory (including the dual-zone program areas)?
Hmm.. I may be past that point. iBand is not seeing the F07.
Thanks for all the input... I let it sit overnight, and when I plugged it into USB in the AM, it was awake and listening. I've tried your sample code @fanoush and it works great... except it's very dim. the g.setBrightness(n) doesn't seem to affect it. Tried enabling PWR.reset() in the .on() code too.. always the same brightness level (pretty dim).
An SOS to anyone who may know... I followed fanoush's guide to reflashing an F07 and it seemed to go just fine, after all was said and done, it showed up in the Web IDE and I got the REPL. I was trying to play with Graphics which didn't seem to be loaded, and I entered a few lines from another conversation here (the only other F07 conversation) and the REPL stopped dead, the connection was lost and I couldn't find the device anywhere (nrfConnect, DaFlasher, WebIDE). It was in a USB port the whole time, so it was charging. Can't understand how it hung... any idea how to reboot the thing other than let the battery die?
Sorry to bug you again... I've tried all day letting it run down, rebooting to DFU, trying your FW, then jeffmer's.. they copy over, then nrfConnect tries to reload DfuTarg (seems to keep the name), it can't make a connection. Then it disappears from any BT. Could a recursive include have written over the SDK or soft device? Should I try reloading SD?