@Gordon i have implemented the onInit() hook for custom pages. See here https://github.com/flashback2k14/BangleApps/blob/master/js/index.js#L78-L128.
If you like it i could open a PR!?
thanks for your help. the trick with the storage json file works.
have you any plans to add the communication with a Bangle.js like for the interface page? i would love to simply load and save user settings for my app or clock. I think the current approach to write the whole Bangle.js app as a template string inside the custom page like this (https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/blob/master/apps/beer/beercompass.html#L126-L198) is not really suitable for complex apps. Maybe we could add the same onInit() hook for custom pages!? what did you think?
is it possible to send or save data to a connected bangle.js inside a custom page?
here is my code: https://github.com/flashback2k14/BangleApps/tree/master/apps/timer.
i want to send data to the bangle.js, but this is not working. see here: https://github.com/flashback2k14/BangleApps/blob/master/apps/timer/timer-custom.html#L22
config: https://github.com/flashback2k14/BangleApps/blob/master/apps.json#L2573
thanks in advance.
software developer by day and by night. :-P