So I'd like to do some research on the guesture recognition/control for Tensor Flow, but I'll be honest--I've never heard of TF before the Bangle.js. I'm happy to do my own research, but I have no clue where to start. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. And yes, I have Googled it, but TF has so much to it, it's difficult to find something for what you're looking for unless you already know what it is you're looking for. Specifically, I'm looking for Android implementation. Any recommended starting place helps. Thanks!
However, I'm having lots of difficulty maintaining a connection between Bangle.js and Gadgetbridge. It's incredibly irksome. Not sure if this is Gadgetbridge, Bangle.js, or my phone. It seems tokeep a connection longer if I leave Gadgetbridge as the active app in the foreground, but it still will disconnect a couple times (and not reconnect, despite the option to force reconnection) a day. Are there apps that can force other apps to continuously run in the background? Honestly, any suggestions would be great. I don't expect a perfect connection experience, but when I have to manually reconnect every time, it's frustrating. Okay, that's my rant. Thanks for any thoughts on the matter.