jumping in late ... it seems that this is no longer relevant for @Raik, but for what it's worth: I ordered expansion shields for ESP8266 from quite a few ebay sellers. Each and every order was cancelled by the respective seller after a few days. All for the same reason: "quality problems with the module". I now have quite a few ESP8266 lying around, but no adapter expansion shield :)
This is the type of module I'm talking about: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Duinopeak-ESP8266-ESP-01-WiFi-Expansion-Board-Shield-Without-ESP8266-Module-For/312730751293?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
I finally managed to obtain a different type of WiFi module here:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/ESP-12E-ESP8266-UART-WIFI-Wireless-Shield-for-Arduino-UNO-R3/254282142174?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649These have arrived, but i haven't managed to test them yet. Hopefully sometime during the end-of-year break.
That’s definitely one exciting device. I’m using Espruino in outreach projects that are focused on IoT sensor technology, and this would be the best matching device that exists in the market. Just a real shame they don’t have LoRaWAN on board :(( I’d love to see an Espruino equivalent of LoPy4 our FiPy with PySense (or maybe see Espruino ported to these :)
Hi Gordon,
thanks for your advice - quick as always... much appreciated!
Do you think that either / both of these would work? (They both claim to have voltage regulators).https://boggleup.com/products/duinopeak-esp8266-esp-01-wifi-expansion-board-shield-without-esp8266-module-for-arduino - needs the separate module, but that doesn't bother me.
If you think they should work, i'll just try both.
The Sparkfun board also seems to look good but it requires soldering the headers on and the reviews are pretty mixed (why don't they sell a version with headers???)
has anyone found a wifi shield that works on the Pixl.js without any rewiring or modification? I am aware of this tutorial: http://www.espruino.com/arduino-esp8266, which is great... Unfortunately, my target group for this project (very young students) won't be able to change the boards. Hardware has to be plug and play, which is the primary reason for choosing Espruino in the first place.
The development goal is a BLE GATT to MQTT via Wifi gateway. Unfortunately, the Espruino Wifi won't work for this either, since it doesn't support BLE. Any pointers appreciated.
Bernd -
thanks, Gordon.
I actually have a few old Androids lying around. Maybe I'll try that.On a related matter: I need to transfer larger amounts of data via the BLE connection (offline data logging). From studying the web resources, the normal approach (see here) appears to sequentially write to a characteristic, exploiting the events / exceptions
BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETEThese don't seem to be exposed in the NRF library. What do you recommend? (I think I could exploit the UART interface, but I would like to be able to implement the same protocol on non-Espruino devices later so that I don't have to change the central side).
Oh, great. Thanks for the quick response. Switching Bluetooth on and off actually solved the problem!
I found a note in the meantime that the Bluetooth SIG requires a service 0x1801: { // generic attribute service with charactersitic 0x2A05: { // service changed characteristic to be present (and I assume with value true) if the services on a device can change.
I tried to set this, as part of my code using
NRF.setServices({ 0x1801: { // generic attribute service 0x2A05: { // service changed characteristic notify: true, readable: true, value : [true] } } });
but this didn't produce any effect. I suppose at that point it's already too late? Would it be possible to put that into the default profile?
I can't get Thingy to provide a GATT service. After reading everything I could find online, I still have no idea what I could be doing wrong.
Advertising work fine, I can see the 0x180D service in the advertisement (I'm using NRFconnect on iOS to check, but have the same effect with other tools as well).
But when I connect only the standard UART RX and TX services are visible. Nothing else.
The code below is taken from another stream and appeared to work on a Ruuvitag. (I've tried various versions, but without any change in effect).
NRF.setServices({ 0x180D: { // heart_rate 0x2A6E: { // heart_rate_measurement notify: true, readable: true, value : [0] } } }, { advertise: [0x180D], uart: false }); var cnt = 0; setWatch(function() { if(cnt++ % 2 === 0) LED1.set(); else LED1.reset(); NRF.updateServices({ 0x180D : { 0x2A6E : { value : [cnt], notify: true } } }); }, BTN, { repeat:true, edge:"rising", debounce: 50 });
The LED toggles just fine, so obviously the function gets called.
And, yes, I do disconnect the Web Bluetooth IDE from Thingy before I check the services.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Hi All,
i was hoping to be able to use Espruino to query some external sensors on Thingy:52
The basic idea is to connect an external analogue sensor, say soil moisture, to Thingy and let Thingy broadcast the sensor readings.
Very much like a combination of what is done with the Pico here to connect an external light sensor: https://www.espruino.com/Pico+Light+Sensor and the Thingy here to let it broadcast sensor values: https://www.espruino.com/Pixl.js+Wireless+Weather+Station
The Espruino-Thingy page at https://www.espruino.com/Thingy52#on-board-peripherals
seems to suggest this is possible (Section "On BOard Peripherals") via
// External IO outputs
IOEXT0/1/2/3However, I can find no further documentation/ tutorials on how to actually read the sensor values.
Any pointers to further information would be very much appreciated!
using Espruino in outreach projects (schools and beyond). For example, see the Internet-of-Things Kitchen Gardens https://iotkg.org/
+1 for a STEMMA or Grove "standard" connector. That would be marvellous for IoTKG. I would think, STEMMA is preferable as it is also compatible with DF Robot Gravity. https://learn.adafruit.com/introducing-adafruit-stemma-qt/dfrobot-gravity
On a related note, can you already reveal anything about the new board, Gordon? From my perspective, the Puck is embedded perfection, it's just missing Wifi. A Wifi+BLE Puck would be just the thing!