Yesss, this seems to work fine:
function onInit () { setDeepSleep(1); setBusyIndicator(LED1); setSleepIndicator(LED3); /* var t; setInterval(function () { t= E.getTemperature(); }, 3000); */ setWatch(function (a) { digitalWrite(LED2, digitalRead(BTN)); }, BTN, {repeat:true, debounce:0, edge:'both'}); }
I don't understand why does the red led stay on until the first BTN press?
function onInit () { setDeepSleep(1); setBusyIndicator(LED1); setSleepIndicator(LED3); var t; setInterval(function () { t= E.getTemperature(); }, 3000); setWatch(flip, BTN, {repeat:true, edge:'both'}); function flip (a) { digitalWrite(LED2, a.state); } } Running onInit()... Uncaught ReferenceError: "flip" is not defined at line 10 col 12 setWatch(flip, BTN, {repeat:true, edge:'both'}); ^ in function called from system
I do this in OSX and everything has been working fine since:
1) In the IDE goto communications/connect over TCP address and put this there: ""
2) In the terminal type "ls /dev/cu*" and copy the device "cu.usbmodemXXxxx", then type this:
nc -k -l 12345 > /dev/cu.usbmodemXXxxx < /dev/cu.usbmodemXXxxx
3) Select TCP port when Connect asks.
Sometimes, after a reset or disconnect the name of the device changes, if you can no longer connect this way, hit ctrl-c to cancel nc, and repeat from 2).
It has worked wonders for me in my Macs.
I have an espruino original v1.3b with the latest 1.99 firmware, when I run this:
setDeepSleep(1); setBusyIndicator(LED1); setSleepIndicator(LED3); var t; setInterval(function () { t= E.getTemperature(); }, 2222);
and plug it into a wall charger, the blue light blips sometimes out of sync with the 2.2 seconds red light. Does it mean it's briefly coming out of deep sleep every now and then for some reason?
Ok, good to know, thanks!
I have two originals and a Pico to play with, if I can pull it off "the espruino way" (in javascript), then I'll have to decide whether to use one or the other.