@fanoush thanks for the link. Lots of good options there, somehow missed that in the documentation. Will probably go with the changing the connectable option to false after a minute of pressing a button or powering up.
I'd like to secure the serial service so that it's only available to connect to within a minute or so of powering on Espruino. The idea is to secure the javascript if someone doesn't have access to power cycling the device or pressing a physical button. Is it possible to disable this service or possibly change the device to non-connectable after a minute of powering on?
Thanks for the tip. I ran some experiments with different intervals and I did see the memory usage increase from 219 to 254 when reducing the interval from 2000ms to 200ms and vice-versa saw the memory use decrease when increasing the interval, so I think this is a helpful tool to determine what the fastest interval can be.
Thank you both for the reply. I read your other conversation regarding clearWatch() and agree with the suggestions. I'll also try @Gordon error logging suggestion using both 2v01 and 2v03 firmware versions. Will post back if I discover anything.
After running for some time (a few weeks or so) the interval set with setInterval() and modified periodically with changeInterval() will unexpectedly stop. Interval periods are set between 1000ms and 100ms. When I connect to the device I try to use changeInterval() on the console and get "Uncaught Error: Unknown Interval" so it appears the interval is gone, as if clearInterval() was called. I checked to see if that could be the case and am not seeing anything. Is there a reason why the an interval would stop except calling clearInterval()? Is there a max time an interval can run?
Thanks, this is great!