Thanks for the links @ClearMemory041063 :}
@Gordon Thanks, I didn't get those exact ones, I got wires like the ones in http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/305040/
Would those wires work the same?
I put the pins through the holes like in the photo, but the chip is somewhat loose. It doesn't seem like the pins and wires are enough. Maybe I do need a breadboard so the connection is solid?
I got an MPU6050, and I connected the wires based on what the doc for the module says. When I run my code, it seems like Espruino freezes (the command line in the IDE becomes unresponsive).
Maybe I didn't connect the wires properly? I am using wires but no solder (see photo, the module is on bottom, the pins are fastened with the wires but not soldered). Maybe it really needs solder?
Or if that should be good enough for prototyping, maybe there's something wrong in code or with the module? Here's my code:
I2C1.setup({scl:B6,sda:B7}); var MPU6050 = require("MPU6050"); console.log(MPU6050); var mpu = MPU6050.connect(I2C1); setInterval(() => { console.log( '\nAcceleration:', mpu.getAcceleration(), // returns an [x,y,z] array with raw accl. data '\nGravity:', mpu.getGravity(), // returns acceleration array in G's '\nRotation:', mpu.getRotation(), // returns an [x,y,z] array with raw gyro data '\nDegress per second:', mpu.getDegreesPerSecond() // returns gyro array in degrees/s ); }, 1000);
What are some steps I can take to diagnose the problem?
Webpack's shiny new feature is tree shaking (when writing with ES6 Module format rather than CommonJS, or using a webpack loader that takes current CommonJS and outputs ES6). We can set Babel as a transpiler, and make a babel-preset-espruino which compiles only the language features that Espruino doesn't have natively yet. After that, running the "webpack" command can compile a minified bundle from an entry point (unused code not included, and duplicate code consolidated), then one more step with the espruino CLI will upload the file.
I'm sure that can then be easily automated in the IDE.
Is it the female to female wires, like these ones?
Does the espruino come with a bread board? Or is it just the chip? I got this MPU6050: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171036006952
Hello, I ordered a Tessel2 + Accelerometer, and I'd also like to order an Espruino. I am wondering if I can hook the Tessel Accelerometer to an Espruino, or if I should buy another accelerometer?
I'm sort of new to all this, I only have prior experience with an Arduino but not connecting things to it.
I suppose it is simply a matter of sending the correct electrical signals into the Tessel Accelerometer, but I'm not sure how easy/hard that will be.
Hey JS lovers, I ordered the BNO055, a 9-DoF chip that calculates orientation on board, and gives output as Euler or quaternion angles. Time for some fun!
This will be my first time writing a module for a chip. If any pointers or tips on how to do it, I would be glad to hear. I think I'm going to look at the existing Arduino code on the Adafruit site, and port to JS.
But first, I need to figure out how to connect BNO055 to Espruino WiFi. And is connecting it enough? Will Espruino WiFi provide all needed power for the BNO055 just from being connected to the Espruino WiFi? I'm a complete newb, so just throwing questions out there.
On my way to the store to get my first soldering iron and bread board(s).