I'm not using bangle.js yet (mostly because I'm stuck in a SEA country with unreliable shipping, though plan on getting one shortly -- maybe version 2? :P), but I feel this would be a real break through issue for Espruino. I often write code with display elements on say an OLED screen (128x64), but then after want to redeploy this code on a 160x128 or 240x240 or 320x240 screen -- you get the idea -- and it's a real pain.
So I'm suggesting it deserves some thought as it's a real opportunity. I like Flexbox and something similar might not be a bad first step!
I'm not sure what it would look like, but lines for example could be expressed in terms of percentage of screen (start at 10% and go to 80%), or text could be positioned at 1/3 of the screen or who knows. I guess this would break a little if aspect ratios changed. Some ST7735's are 128x128, vs 160x128. But even just that would make resolution independent display elements easier.
Some ideas...
-hfc -
So this is an ESP8266, let's be clear. Has anyone ACTUALLY been able to increase practical RAM in this device using external i2c or SPI modules? The ESP32 certainly has PSRAM, but that Espressif provides this solution suggests RAM expansion itself is not so straight forward as just wiring up modules. For other Espruino Official boards is it possible? Wouldn't there be required some modifications (or at least an i2c driver for example) to Espruino itself to support it?
Also keep in mind that the original poster said he was "new to this". While uploading individual code modules using Storage is a new and innovative approach to coding in Espruino for sure (and then after say using "eval" to load these modules), it's certainly more complicated.
That said, I'm certainly looking into it, but it's a new way of thinking I find.
It's just an ancillary note, but there is a function to write out your code to flash directly as opposed to storing it in RAM. It's in the Web IDE -> Settings -> Communications -> Save On Send -> "Direct To Flash".
You can experiment with that as it might free up some additional JSVars if you were not already using it.
@Ruprect99 I've had this before a few times and it generally seems to point to some flash corruption?
I find that typing "reset(1) -> save()" (could also be "reset(0)") seems to force some kind of clean up algorithm (flash compacting?). That might resolve it.
But the sure way to deal with it is just to reflash the firmware. Make sure to use the "erase_flash" option in esptool before doing so though, just to ensure you reformat the entire flash address space.
You don't need C to write a display driver for your e-ink display. I had something similar (their 2.13 inch display), but didn't have the chance to to write a proper driver. Unfortunately, because the displays are fragile, it broke in transit during a house move recently.
Gordon has a display driver writen for an SSD1606, it's possible that your display is not too far off and you could adapt it. You'd need to identify the chipset first, then make the modifications.
Everything else is Javascript, so it's a matter of "converting" thinking in C to thinking in Javascript.
Were you aware of:
It will disable the BLE functionality on the ESP32. It will also erase all your code. But when you restart the board, it should give you an additional 2K JSVars, so around 4K JSVars total. You can then reflash your program and take advantage of the additional memory space.
Additionally, if you get a board with PSRAM (4MB or 8MB), it will give you up to another 16K JSVars, which will bring your total up to 20K.
Jorgen did a driver for the ST7735 a while back. Its in this thread:
You can require the driver directly via https like this:
pinMode(D5,"output"); D5.set(); // Backlight On var colorPalette = new Uint16Array([0, 0xF80F, 0x001F, 0xFFFF]); var spi = new SPI(); spi.setup({mosi:D19 /* sda */, sck:D18 /* scl */}); var g = require("https://espruino.microcosm.app/api/v1/files/a77b4d12f6a3b7587da5a3a70c02dc13ad2a3332.js").connectPaletted(colorPalette, spi, D21 /* DC */, D15 /*CS */, D2 /* RST */, function() { g.clear(); g.setRotation(2); g.setColor(1); g.drawString("Hello",0,0); g.setColor(2); g.setFontVector(20); g.drawString("TESTING",0,10); g.setColor(3); g.setFontVector(30); g.drawString("TESTING",0,30); g.setColor(4); g.setFontVector(40); g.drawString("TESTING",0,50); g.flip(); });
Adjust the pinouts for your setup. I've used it a few times and it seems fine. Gordon was there something you found wrong about it? I noticed it wasn't on the drivers page. Maybe I missed something about it.
The unit I have is labeled SCL and SDA, but as you can see on some forums thats just how its labelled. It is in fact SPI.
HTTPS has been broken for ages no? -- since moving to recent versions of the ESP-IDF. The problem appears to be a lack of available heap memory. Either way there is an open github ticket still for it.
Would be great if it worked -- I'd dig out my ESP32s again.
Hi, I'm just posting this in case anyone else experienced this, but when using v2.04 on some largish code (40K minified down to 20k), I get resets with exccause 3.
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7) load 0x40100000, len 2408, room 16 tail 8 chksum 0xe5 load 0x3ffe8000, len 776, room 0 tail 8 chksum 0x84 load 0x3ffe8310, len 632, room 0 tail 8 chksum 0xd8 csum 0xd8 2nd boot version : 1.6 SPI Speed : 80MHz SPI Mode : QIO SPI Flash Size & Map: 32Mbit(1024KB+1024KB) jump to run user1 @ 1000 { "reason": "exception", "exccause": 3, "epc1": 1073799076, "epc2": 0, "epc3": 0, "excvaddr": 1076285788, "depc": 0 } Running onInit()...
This seems to be caused by a LoadStore error -- I found this description to go along with it "Processor internal physical address or data error during load or store".
If I flash back to 2v03, everything is fine. I'm using a totally normal 4MB ESP-12f.
It showed up only recently, but probably is in 1v99 for sure:
ESP32.enableBLE ⇒ Call type: ESP32.enableBLE(enable) Parameters enable - switches Bluetooth on or off Description Switches Bluetooth off/on, removes saved code from Flash, resets the board, and on restart creates jsVars depending on available heap (actual additional 1800) Note: This is only available in devices with Bluetooth LE capability
Not to be contrarian, but when using a using a g.flip() approach I always have a "screen redraw" function in my code after doing some updates. The Espruino app code is generally so small that hand crafted screen updates seem like the logical thing to do -- so I'm fine with calling a "layout.update()" function.