Hi @Gordon,
Is there a way the source code hex to be protected from reading ?
Why do I need this ? Suppose you have a device which code is protected from reading, but its hex is not, then third party could use this hex to program new devices which will work no matter there is no understanding why.
Thank you!
Hi @Gordon,
I have Pucks which advertise their data.
I require a device which can scan the Pucks and upload their to the clould through GSM/GPRS module (for example https://www.espruino.com/SIM900) . Is there something like (Puck with GSM/GPRS module) ?Thank you!
Hi @Gordon,
Thank you for the solenoid valve link!
Concerning the impulse water meter, I do not have a link, but in short, it is based on Hall Sensor and has an output of one LIYCY 4x0.14 cable with 4 wires.
1)White - Vs : 2,4V-5V
2) Green - 0
3) Brown - 0
4) V outputThank you.
Hi @Gordon,
1) I would like a Magnetventil to be controlled through Puck. In general if a certain voltage is passed to the device it is opened, if there is no, it is closed.
My question is, suppose you have all needed from additional elements standpoint, on which pins should I connect the device and how from code standpoint will be able to open/close it ?
2) I would like to receive impulses from impulse water meter. In general you give some power the device and on certain quantity of water you receive an impulse.
My question is, how could I power such an external device, on which pins should I connect the device and how from code standpoint will be triggered once I have an impulse (change in the voltage i guess) ?
Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
Concerning the DFU update, I am doing it with NRF Connect. It starts the firmware update, the blue led is on, when the upload is done the device is not restarted and the blue led continues to be on. If I try to upload the file again, it immediately says that the update is done successfully, when the device is restarted nobody is there. If I disconnect from the device the red led is on waiting DFU to connect. Previous DFU updates are fine.
Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
FYI, I cannot do a DFU firmware update with http://www.espruino.com/binaries/travis/master/espruino_1v95.140_puckjs.zip
Honestly I am confused with the builds here http://www.espruino.com/binaries/travis/?C=M;O=D
Most recent build has lower number than the previous one ? For example http://www.espruino.com/binaries/travis/07ae7710e3cd84e7773a7faba3124b3a6c9de85f/ from 2018-01-29 15:55 has version 1v95.140 while http://www.espruino.com/binaries/travis/773a83387fb2f9baefcbdd2cf37d0f79107f3389/ from 2018-01-29 15:27 has version 1v95.141.
Please explain.
Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
E.getTemperature() returns >= 0 values for positive temperatures including zero, but for -1 Celsius returns 255, for -2 Celsius returns 254, etc. Is this the expected behavior ?
Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
How many read/write cycles PUCK can perform on each of 0-255 addresses using FlashEEPROM module ?
I found some discussions here:
https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/question/91122/flash-endurance-on-nrf52/Can we say that 10000 is the absolute limit of writes on each of 0-255 addresses using FlashEEPROM for nrf52832 chip embedded on the Puck ?
How many writes can we perform ?
Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
I did the distance test outdoor. The temperature is -10 celsius. I applied the setting NRF.setTxPower(4)
1) Positioned on a branch of a tree with direct visibility, the PUCK can be controlled from 35 meters.
2) Positioned on the bottom side of a bench, which simulates most my use-case, the PUCK can be controlled from 12 meters.As point 1 is satisfactory as range, but point 2 is my use-case and not satisfactory as range, do you think as a good approach to have a puck used just gathering the data from 2) and broadcast it to another puck, etc. till the final location is reached, i.e. data is read from the desired source ?
Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
I am able to connect to the Puck with "NRF connect" application in a corridor, if the distance is <= 6 meters. Do you know when a battery will go away if I use NRF.setTxPower(4) rather than the default one ?
Should Bluetooth5 make things better from ragne standpoint ?
As I will connect to the Puck from Android which now is 4.4.2, should I use Android 5+ for a better connectivity ?
Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
I checked out and build from source 1v95.71 and can confirm that this is working. Thank you!
My expectation was to build a version > 153 but found 71 ?Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
I took another puck and put a completely new battery. Before uploading any code I follow your advice to clear completely the flash area holding down for ~10 seconds the button.1) It is working on 1v194xxx(the version with which the puck was bought)
2) It is NOT working on 1v95.153(after dfu upgrade with nrf connect), after function execution it disconnects.
3)It is working on 1v92.41(after dfu downgrade with nrf connect).
4) It is NOT working on 1v95.153 (after dfu upgrade with nrf connect) I added LED2.write(1); after E.FFT(a); It again disconnects and the led is not on.Please advice how to proceed ?
Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
I updated my puck to 1v95.153 and uploaded this code:
function fq(sec){ var cSec=0, sBuff=new Uint8Array(sec); var w=new Waveform(512,{doubleBuffer:true,bits:8}); var a=new Uint16Array(512); w.on("buffer", function(buf) { a.set(buf); E.FFT(a); var m=0,n=-1; for (var i=150;i<250;i++)if(a[i]>n)n=a[m=i]; sBuff[cSec]=m.toFixed(0); console.log(sBuff[cSec]+"Hz @ "+n); cSec++; if (cSec >= sec) { w.stop(); var v=E.sum(sBuff)/sec; var rKey=new Date(Date.now()).toString(); console.log(rKey,v); } }); w.startInput(D2,512,{repeat:true}); }
which worked before.
When you call fq(3) for example, the puck got reset. The problem comes from E.FFT(a);Thank you.
Hi @Gordon,
I missed that, the device is reset.
Thank you. -
Hi @Gordon,
No response from both owners of UART modules for node-red. Now complex is that to appear in EspruinoHub ?
Thank you!
Hi @Gordon,
I am using https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-red-contrib-ble-uart
Here on the sample workflow there is a On/Off input to BLE followed by ToString function dumped on the output.I cannot make it scanning even with the advises above. Once done, how can I send the command to the specific Puck with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx address ?
Hi @Gordon,
I have used your advises in the link above to build my flows. But now I need to call a function called "myFunc" on the specific Puck and read the result rather than reading the advertised data. How can I do that ?
Thank you!
Hi @Gordon,
I would like to call a function on Puck from node-red. Am I on the right way with contrib-blue-uart or that could be done with EspruinoHub too ?
Thank you!
Hi @Gordon,
How can Puck's UART service be connected from node-red ?
I have installed https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-red-contrib-ble-uart and created a sample workflow as suggested, but Puck does not appear. Any thoughts ?
Thank you!
Hi @Gordon,
I would like to have the latest espruino-web-ide on Raspberry Pi 3.
I have a Raspberry Pi 2 with BlueZ 5.23 and espruino-web-ide version 0.65.9 successfully running.
I make it running successfully with BlueZ 5.46 espruino-web-ide version 0.65.9 , but not with the latest 0.66.1 version.
The issue that I encounter with the latest version is that devices cannot be found during the scan and no ports found message appeared.
Thank you!
Hi @Gordon,
I would like to write value on another Puck following example at https://www.espruino.com/Puck.js+Controlling+Other+Pucks
When I write value sometimes I have :
Uncaught Error: Got BLE error 0x8 (INVALID_STATE)
at line 192 col 10});
but in most of the cases it says that the write value is executed successfully, but on the controlled puck nothing happens ? I am using 1v95.71
Thank you!