Initial feedback (AKA my greedy wishlist):
- Settings app should live at the beginning of the apps list, or let the user order apps as desired
- Connection between Gadgetbridge on phone and Bangle is flaky - it keeps dropping out (but usually eventually reconnects)
- Gadgetbridge widget on watch should change to show connection state
That's it so far. It's my daily watch now since my Asus Zenwatch 3 just stopped working (good timing). I like it :-)
- Settings app should live at the beginning of the apps list, or let the user order apps as desired
I've managed to compile the new version (0.40) of Gadgetbridge using the instructions here https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge/wiki/Developer-Documentation#building-and-installing-the-gadgetbridge-apk then loaded the .apk to my phone. My query is what do I need turned on in the watch settings to make it work? Notifications only seem to come through on the watch if I have both BLE and Programmable set to On and leave the watch in 'Connectable' state. If I turn off Programmable then the notifications don't appear but after sending 5 or 6 of them to the watch I get an error message at the bottom of the screen about a buffer full error. It's like the messages are being sent to the watch but not read by anything. So do I need the watch to be 'Programmable'? That seems rather risky as there doesn't seem to be any security around the pairing process - no PINs displayed or requested. The docs here https://www.espruino.com/Gadgetbridge suggest that Bangle.js should interpret the incoming messages in a special way and it's only on other Espruino REPLs that the commands execute a 'GB(...)' function.
@thedamos - have you seen this http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/297639 ? It makes the LEDs dimmer but gives a lovely diffused glow. Also difficult to turn on and off though...
This is great for whipping up a quick GUI on your phone to control something on the Puck. Here are two very simple examples that don't need any special code on the Puck to work.
app.LoadPlugin( "PuckJS" ); function OnStart() { lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); btn1 = app.CreateToggle( "LED1" ); btn2 = app.CreateToggle( "LED2" ); btn3 = app.CreateToggle( "LED3" ); btn1.SetOnTouch( btn1_OnTouch ); btn2.SetOnTouch( btn2_OnTouch ); btn3.SetOnTouch( btn3_OnTouch ); lay.AddChild( btn1 ); lay.AddChild( btn2 ); lay.AddChild( btn3 ); app.AddLayout( lay ); puck = app.CreatePuckJS(); // puck.Scan( "Puck" ); puck.Connect('AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF'); } function btn1_OnTouch( isChecked ) { puck.SetLED( 1, isChecked ); } function btn2_OnTouch( isChecked ) { puck.SetLED( 2, isChecked ); } function btn3_OnTouch( isChecked ) { puck.SetLED( 3, isChecked ); }
app.LoadPlugin( "PuckJS" ); var on= false; var intr; function OnStart() { lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); btn1 = app.CreateToggle( "LED1" ); btn1.SetOnTouch( btn1_OnTouch ); lay.AddChild( btn1 ); app.AddLayout( lay ); puck = app.CreatePuckJS(); puck.Connect('AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF'); } function btn1_OnTouch( isChecked ) { if (isChecked) { intr= setInterval('on=!on;puck.SetLED(1, on)', 500); } else { clearInterval(intr); puck.SetLED(1, false); } }
The standard silicone cover is very nice but doesn't really diffuse the LEDs enough to mix the colours properly. If you carve a hole in a ping pong (table tennis) ball and pop it over the top instead you get a lovely diffused glow:
Aha, I see you've added a pinout diagram and explanations to http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js. Thanks very much.
I was thinking about using a string of WS2801 LEDs I have lying around.
Hi. I've just received my Pucks and they are indeed lovely. I'd like to try controlling a string of RGB LEDs but need to know which pin to use for SPI. Is there a pinout diagram for the Puck similar to the ones for other boards (e.g. the one available here http://www.espruino.com/WiFi)? Thanks.
Gadgetbridge have released the new version 0.40 with initial bangle.js support: https://f-droid.org/packages/nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge/