I had a website like this (http://partone-domain.de). I figured out that the dash (-) caused the problem. When I hosted the zip on a domain without a dash in the URL it worked well.
I tried many things but now I only get the HTTPEND 701 error (which means unknown HTTP(s) error). After HTTPSTART it returns OK.
My code:gprs.at.cmd("AT+QFOTADL=\"https://www.mydomain.de:443/update.zip\"\r\n",1000,print);
I tried many things like setting the port, changing the domain to http, removing the ", but nothing did work. I downloaded the zip provided on RAK's website. Any idea how to deal with this error?
I tried this:require('QuectelBG96').connect(usart, { apn : "web.vodafone.de", username : "vodafone", password : "vodafone" }, function(err) { console.log("Connected!"); if (err) throw err; gprs.at.cmd('AT+QFOTADL="http://mydomain.de/update.zip"',1000,print);
But how do I know that it worked? There is no console output. Or how much time does it need? Kind regards
Might this solve the problem? Updating the BG96 firmware? There is a new post on RAK8212 website:
@Gordon This would be a great improvement for the future adding this AT-Command to Espruino. This could fix the problems mentioned in this thread. -
Hi Gordon, after updating AT+QGPS=4 -> AT+QGPS=1, the start up time is really slow. And it still throws the error 516 for this time.
It is about 3-4 minutes direct at the window. Another question: Do you cut off the GPS data (latitude and longitude) to 5 decimal numbers? And are there reasons for it? More accurency would be nice.
Great, thank you. Another option might bei the Wio Tracker by Seed. It looks really interesting. But I am worrying if it would Work with the Wio Tracker LTE firmware? Could you check it or tell me if there is a way to run espruino? The Wio Tracker: https://m.seeedstudio.com/productDetail/2831
On the Aliexpress site I found a really good overview of iTracker products: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/RAK8212-M-Low-Cost-version-iTracker-Pro-Sensor-node-and-GPS-BG96-Module-BLE-GPS-Bluetooth5/32898211335.html
Comparing the RAK8212-M with RAK8212 the only difference seem to be the sensors. But I guess it would be really cheaper to solder the required sensors on my own. It is about $40 cheaper than the RAK8212.
Am I right that I could run RAK8212-M with espruino so that I do not need a Puck as well? I am wondering that there is no GPRS icon below the image. Can I send a message via internet or SMS using the RAK8212-M?
I am currently developing an app which tries to receive the current position via GPS and transmits it via internet or SMS. For receiving the GPS position I am using the Ublox NEO6MV2 GPS module which works well. I obviously could use a GPRS/GSM module, connect it to the puck and use it for the data transmission. But I would prefer a single module (product).Is there a module which could be connected to the Puck.js which offers GPS and GSM? I found something on the Espruino site: iTracker RAK8212. This seems to work well but I only found it on Aliexpress for $88 which is too expensive for my purposes. Is there a cheaper module which you can recommend?
Do I have to solder a battery holder like this (https://shop.pimoroni.de/products/battery-holder-3xaa-with-cover-and-switch?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=19618738116&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn4ncBRCaARIsAFD5-gVPMPQg-Hr6TeOP63dCP3NIcx_pjwnf5qXUCgWFh1-4kTcRJSXkzfEaArLhEALw_wcB) to the GPS module? Red cable to vcc and black cable to GND?
You may get 2 (fresh) alkaline AA / AAA batteries and power with them the GPS. This way puck is the only one sitting on the button cell
Thank you. I am quite new at working with electronic components. Do you have a tutorial how to power the GPS module by a battery? I guess that I have to solder something to the VCC pin? Is there something that I should notice?
The power might be a problem. If the red LED on the GPS module is lighting constantly, the Puck.js delivers Battery level 0. If the GPS module is not connected it delivers a Battery level of 80. So does the puck not have enough power to use a gps module? What is the recommended battery for it? Maybe Varta?
I bought the GPS Module Ublox Neo 6m (GY-NEO6MV2).
Then I connected it the following way to the Puck.js:
GPS Module -> Puck.js
RX -> D28
TX -> D29
VCC -> 3V
GND -> GNDThe red LED on the GPS module is lighting.
After that I wrote a small program:
Serial1.setup(9600,{tx:D29,rx:D28}); var gps = require("GPS").connect(Serial1, function(data) { console.log("DATA", data); });
Unfortunately there is no output in the console. Doe you have any idea what could be wrong? Are there methods to check what might cause this problem?
I have a problem to connect to Puck.js after updating the firmware to 1.99. I tried to connect to the bluetooth device via bluetooth device manager on windows. But I always get an error that I should try it again. When I try to connect to beacon using the NRF connect App it works well.
Do you have any idea? Before the update it worked without any problem.
Hello, I would like to store a simple integer value (1-200) on the Puck.js without stopping the Bluetooth connection. If I would use save(), the connection is lost. And it is definitely too much for storing only one variable. Is there a better way to do it without interrupting the rest of the Puck.js?
You wrote that you are updating the firmware using USB. Did you already try this for the RAK8212? And how do you do this? Are you using the Adaptor Board and QFlash?