@tve could the ota server for firmware updates get extended to allow for the save() code to be be replaced for these lock up situations?
There would also be another benefit - could new code be sent along with the .bin files, to get interpreted on restart after the firmware update?
@gordon, I've been using the date constructor and splitting on spaces to format the hh:mm:ss part for a count down timer, and have discovered that if the the time is negative, you end up with a - sign instead of a leading 0.
I supply sample code if this makes it more clear....
The 115200 speed is good for me - especially if you add a few models that need to be uploaded.
The issue I'm aware of is after a firmware update. There is also the option of connecting the esp8266 to your wifi network, and using wiflash {ip-address}:88 to flash the firmware or adding the ip to the communications part of the web ide to avoid these issues.
Are you on windows? I found that after a serial flash of a new firmware, you sometimes need to unplug the USB and plug back in again. The on connect form the web console it comes back up. -
Have you seen this?
If you are using the esp8266 board, you can use the wiflash.sh script to flash firmware over wifi, no need for a serial connection. -
My take on things :-)
The gitter.im is a chat room - you'll need a github login to access.
The forum is less formal and for discussions, and espruino JavaScript type questions.
GitHub - two parts the espruino build, and espruino docs. This is more the engine room behind the code, although the docs in github end up as the reference part of the espruino.com/reference site....
Thanks @Ducky - I'll give your pin assignments a go.
Has anyone managed to use the esp8266 to drive a graphics display?
I'm confused on how the
pin outs correspond to the sp1 labeled on the board, and which pins are free to use - I know that nodemcu.D4 is the serial debug, so pins D5 upwards are ok, but unsure on how these map.A fritzing diagram or similar would be appreciated!
So far I have:
SPI1.setup({ sck:NodeMCU.D8, mosi:NodeMCU.D7 }); var g = require("PCD8544").connect(SPI1, NodeMCU.D7 /*DC*/, NodeMCU.D8 /*CE*/, NodeMCU.D9 /*RST*/, function() { g.clear(); g.drawString("Hello",0,0); g.drawLine(0,10,84,10); g.flip(); });
RST Brown D9? CE red D8? DC orange D7 DIN yellow D6 MOSI CLK green D5 VCC blue + LIGHT purple GND GND grey GND
python scripts/build_jswrapper.py src/jswrap_array.c src/jswrap_arraybuffer.c src/jswrap_date.c src/jswrap_error.c src/jswrap_espruino.c src/jswrap_flash.c src/jswrap_functions.c src/jswrap_interactive.c src/jswrap_io.c src/jswrap_json.c src/jswrap_modules.c src/jswrap_pin.c src/jswrap_number.c src/jswrap_object.c src/jswrap_onewire.c src/jswrap_pipe.c src/jswrap_process.c src/jswrap_serial.c src/jswrap_spi_i2c.c src/jswrap_stream.c src/jswrap_string.c src/jswrap_waveform.c libs/math/jswrap_math.c libs/network/jswrap_net.c libs/network/http/jswrap_http.c libs/network/js/jswrap_jsnetwork.c libs/network/esp8266/jswrap_esp8266_network.c targets/esp8266/jswrap_esp8266.c targets/esp8266/jswrap_nodemcu.c libs/network/telnet/jswrap_telnet.c libs/crypto/jswrap_crypto.c -DGIT_COMMIT=682807245a4f21ffc5fd48502d84c22e23194ffd -DBUILDNUMBER="41" -DUSE_DEBUGGER -DUSE_TAB_COMPLETE -DUSE_HEATSHRINK -DUSE_MATH -DUSE_NET -DUSE_ESP8266 -DUSE_TELNET -DUSE_CRYPTO -DUSE_OPTIMIZE_PRINTF -D__ETS__ -DICACHE_FLASH -DXTENSA -DUSE_US_TIMER -DEMBEDDED -DESP8266 -BESP8266_BOARD
Reading up on the getopt module....
I want to generate conditional code for the ESP8266 in build_wrapper.py:151if board == 'ESP8266' codeOut("static JswSymPtr jswSymbols_"+codeName+"[] __attribute__((section(\".irom.literal\"))) __attribute__((aligned(4))) = {\n "+",\n ".join(listSymbols)+"\n};"); else codeOut("static const JswSymPtr jswSymbols_"+codeName+"[] = {\n "+",\n ".join(listSymbols)+"\n};");
If unsure how to read the command line args and what the board test string would be.
if board == 'ESP8266'
at the moment there doesn't appear to be any conditional board code?
Take a look here:
This stores page content in flash, and uses the .pipe to stream the content out on demand.
You can store the content on your gist, fetch into flash. Then your code above can pull the content from flash.
Edit: as gist requires https:// access you can use the wget to get this content. I have used a local node server to cache code.
Does the ide know what board it is connect to? Can this be used for a preferential baud rate - default to 9600 unless the board.py specifies something different?
I guess it's a catch 22 situation here... Would about using the last board connected setting?