The pins are D0 to pin D39, so you want D12.
There are some tests in the Esp32 branch you can reference
https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blob/ESP32/targets/esp32/tests/i2c-hd44780.js -
The NodeMcu:Dx notation that @MaBe referenced maps to the PIN numbers as labelled on the board.
If you use D0 this is gpio0 , and not the PIN label on the board...
Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
There is another way of doing this.....
You can fire up a hotspot on your phone.... and get the esp8266 to connect to your phone..From there you could have a page that then asks for ssid and password you want to join...
The set up a setwatch on the flash button, so if that is pressed, it
Changes the network back to you phone ssid, so this way you can switch between the two networks.You could even set up a timeout instead of getting triggered by a button. If the last saved network is not found within say 30 secs, reconnect to your phone hotspot.
Sorry - I was not clear. Not the connection baud rate, the SPI baud rate to connect to your LCD module:http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SPI_setup
SPI2.setup({mosi:D0, sck:D2,baud:100000});
@navas how will you use in the esp-01 it only has 2 gpio pins?
@navas, try changing the baud rate, I think the default is 50,000.
Try 100,000
I see on the page there is UAI hex which is an even shorter string... does this encode the same info?
Sorry this link I cut and paste does not work :-(
http://irdb.tk/codes/#hexa -
This looks a bit like dejavu to me!
I never did get it working with the csr4.0 dongle and windows 10 :-(
I discovered this on the esp32 forums and this article, thanks to this post:
The default CP210x drivers that come with windows use an USB enumeration mode - that is if the drive detects an M character, a legacy mode that thinks it's a USB mouse kicks in and screws everything up.
This driver solved the issue:
http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/pages/usbtouartbridgevcpdrivers.aspx#windowsDownload VCP (5.3 MB) (Default)
Now the IDE connects directly top serial without issue!
Please note nothing is listening on port 80 unless you actually start a server listening on that port.