Looks great!
Is line 28 correct? It's assigning the var to itself?
On the esp8266 there is way of setting the hostname, so then you can use for example http://espruino.local - is there a way of doing this on this board - then you don't need to worry about the IP address..
I have an early build - it has the storage module, so must be quite recent.
All is ok with this build.However with a fetch/pull of 1.96.22 and connecting on telnet 2323, when sending to via the ide, it does not complete. Disconnecting the ide does not release the telnet session.
The is on Linux on windows subsystem, which has worked fine in the past.
ah - so you have turned on flashfs - this will use the flash memory as a filesystem, and disable the code that uses the sd card. I guess you have not tested the sd card yet? You might need to reduce the number of variables as the flashes support creates a 4K buffer for the sectors in the flash memory.
With regards to suppressing the boot messages- I'm not sure there is an easy way. On the esp32 you can hold a pin low to suppress the messages. Do some googling!
Thanks for posting. Interesting to see that you are loading the module dynamically:
https://github.com/wga22/esp8266/blob/master/espurino/ESP32_drawforecast.js#L64Why are you doing that?
A line or two between the text rows might be a bit more readable!
I'm not sure what is so secret about your code that you don't want to post it?
You can * out the passwords.
You have code that is using wifi.connect - however you are using wifi.save as well....
The wifi.save saves the current connection and on next restart -automatically connects. This is useful for telnet to the device..So you don't need wifi.save in your main code.
The way it it working at the moment is- restart device
- it auto connects to the wifi
- then you connect to wifi when the connection is already done.
Perhaps this is why the wifi.disconnect case works.
- restart device
Not sure about the serial console, @JumJum wrote this code. I don't know if all boards have flow control enabled.
Your other option is to use the telnet port 23 to send code up to the esp32, bypassing serial. In the web ide you can cannot via ip - not sure if the command line tools are set up for this.
This is bit odd as you would expect the interpreter code to be the same across the devices.
As far as raising issues @Gordon 's call - it is sometimes useful to discuss here and then raise an issue if requied
In the esp32 case you mentioned allocating memory in a certain way to use for Dma. Is there any downside to this, as the arraybuffer class in the esp32 case could allocate this type of continuous block, and then you would not need to the memcpy at all as the source would already be of the correct type.
For the esp32 case it looks like this flag should be set:
It says:
Sometimes, the amount of data is very small making it less than optimal allocating a separate buffer for it. If the data to be transferred is 32 bits or less, it can be stored in the transaction struct itself. For transmitted data, use the tx_data member for this and set the SPI_USE_TXDATA flag on the transmission. For received data, use rx_data and set SPI_USE_RXDATA. In both cases, do not touch the tx_buffer or rx_buffer members, because they use the same memory locations as tx_data and rx_data. -
If it the puck output getting displayed on your android phone, you can host the web page on github.io, and use web Bluetooth to communicate with the puck. You can then display information and send setting to the puck via the web page talking over web Bluetooth. Then you would not need to use the pi as a broker in between.
Thanks - yes I did that. I might need to get it down to a simpler case. The code is using 3 local modules. I'll also take a closer look at the console log.