If the puck is paired, it doesn’t advertise any more. So if one device is auto connecting- they will stop it. And pulling the battery it might auto connect on re-power up. So turn off Bluetooth on all devices you have connected to.
For the boot loader mode it needs to be a particular length of time to hold the button down - it’s a kind of tricky timing thing.
The problem is that it will break everyone's existing configs. And anyone coming from the esp32/esp8266 world expects the board rate to be 115200, as this the the default for the device.
The issue initially was with microbit. Is it possible to attempt a connection via the set rate - and no command prompt is detected, drop to 9600 and test the connection then?
Get your esp8266 to do a http.get to your remote server. The IP of the request on your remote server will be your current public IP address.
Anternatively, you can use a Dynamic DNS service, like https://www.noip.com/ . They offer a free service - although you have to update every month. This means that you can use a DNS name and this name will get updated to you current IP.
You will also need to port forward on your router so that a request on your router gets forwarded to the esp8266. As @Ollie suggested on another thread - it's best to give your esp8266 a static IP based on the MAC address so you know what address to forward too.
function reading(timeout) { NRF.requestDevice({ timeout: timeout,filters: [{ "services": [ 'a495ff10-c5b1-4b44-b512-1370f02d74de' ]}] }).then(function(device) { console.log(device); d = new DataView(device.data); dF=d.getUint16(22); readings= { temp: (( dF -32) * 5 / 9).toFixed(1), F:dF,gravity:(d.getUint16(24)/1000.0).toFixed(3), d:device.data }; console.log(readings); return 1; }).then(function() { console.log("Done!"); }); }; reading(5000);
=undefined BluetoothDevice: { "id": "04:a3:16:9a:af:cc public", "rssi": -89, "data": new Uint8Array([26, 255, 76, 0, 2, 21, 164, 149, 187, 16, 197, 177, 75, 68, 181, 18, 19, 112, 240, 45, 116, 222, 0, 62, 3, 238, 197]).buffer, "manufacturer": 76, "manufacturerData": new Uint8Array([2, 21, 164, 149, 187, 16, 197, 177, 75, 68, 181, 18, 19, 112, 240, 45, 116, 222, 0, 62, 3, 238, 197]).buffer, "services": [ "a495ff10-c5b1-4b44-b512-1370f02d74de" ] } { "temp": "16.7", "F": 62, "gravity": "1.006", "d": new Uint8Array([26, 255, 76, 0, 2, 21, 164, 149, 187, 16, 197, 177, 75, 68, 181, 18, 19, 112, 240, 45, 116, 222, 0, 62, 3, 238, 197]).buffer } Done!
And this is from the app:
I've haven't taken any long term readings to see that kind of detail. The readings are instaneous and not averaged. I have noticed after a big ferment that trub can sit on the top of the tilt and alter the reading - say 6 gravity points. However rousing the fermenter resolves that which is good practice anyway. The good thing about it is another temperature reading - it seems I have a 1 degree C gradient comparing to a thermocouple at the bottom. You can tell if a ferment is stalled, and know when you are 2/3 through if you want to do a temperature rise for a diacetyl rest - some ferments this occurs far quicker than you thought it would.
Thanks Gordon.
I can now see that:
"data": new Uint8Array([
26, // Length of manufacturer data
255, // manufacturer data
76, 0, // 0x4c, 0x00, // Apple company id
2, // 0x02, // type: iBeacon
21, // 0x15, // length of remaining data164, 149, 187, 16, 197, 177, 75, 68, 181, 18, 19, 112, 240, 45, 116, 222,
// a495ff10-c5b1-4b44-b512-1370f02d74de0, 62, // major
3, 239, // minor
197 // rssi
]).buffer, -
Hi, a bit of progress. By increasing the scan I now can find the device:
NRF.findDevices(function(devices) { console.log(devices); }, 30000);
[ // Apple TV BluetoothDevice: { "id": "08:66:98:c6:75:50 public", "rssi": -90, "data": new Uint8Array([2, 1, 26, 10, 255, 76, 0, 16, 5, 1, 16, 104, 16, 8]).buffer, "manufacturer": 76, "manufacturerData": new Uint8Array([16, 5, 1, 16, 104, 16, 8]).buffer }, // Red Tilt BluetoothDevice: { "id": "04:a3:16:9a:af:cc public", "rssi": -92, "data": new Uint8Array([26, 255, 76, 0, 2, 21, 164, 149, 187, 16, 197, 177, 75, 68, 181, 18, 19, 112, 240, 45, 116, 222, 0, 62, 3, 239, 197]).buffer, "manufacturer": 76, "manufacturerData": new Uint8Array([2, 21, 164, 149, 187, 16, 197, 177, 75, 68, 181, 18, 19, 112, 240, 45, 116, 222, 0, 62, 3, 239, 197]).buffer } ]
I can connect by service, by adding the timeout of 20000:
var gatt; NRF.requestDevice({ timeout: 20000,filters: [{ "services": [ 'a495ff10-c5b1-4b44-b512-1370f02d74de' ]}] }).then(function(device) { console.log(device); return device.gatt.connect(); }).then(function(g) { gatt = g; return gatt.getPrimaryService("a495ff10-c5b1-4b44-b512-1370f02d74de"); }).then(function(service) { console.log({service:service}); }).then(function() { gatt.disconnect(); console.log("Done!"); });
=Promise: { } BluetoothDevice: { "id": "04:a3:16:9a:af:cc public", "rssi": -88, "data": new Uint8Array([2, 1, 6, 17, 6, 222, 116, 45, 240, 112, 19, 18, 181, 68, 75, 177, 197, 16, 255, 149, 164, 2, 10, 0]).buffer, "services": [ "a495ff10-c5b1-4b44-b512-1370f02d74de" ], "manufacturer": undefined, "manufacturerData": undefined } Uncaught Error: Unhandled promise rejection: Disconnected >
never gets fulfilled. Not sure what is going on here? There does not seem to be a way of adding a timeout?The manufacturer data in the first code block - seems to wrong - as 76 is apple and the previous devices is an apple tv- and in the 2nd block of code - it is undefined for the Tilt - so I'm wondering if the previous values are getting set?
What is data in
structure?Can the device name be included in the
I’m away at the moment so can test the tilt with the longer scan. The good things about the tilt is it also gives a temperature reading with the gravity. The downside is because it’s Bluetooth you have to be close to get a reading with your phone, unless you can use another device to proxy.
@Ollie - yes I have seen that esp8266 project - someone was also offering kit to get all the hard to find bits and the 3D printed framework- it can in at about 1/2 the cost of the tilt. It would have the advantage of being WiFi. The battery life on the tilt is not great, and uses an expensive camera battery. -
I have a digital hydrometer - a device called Tilt.On the iphone - using the nrf scanner app - I can see:
{ kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1; kCBAdvDataLocalName = Tilt; kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs = ( "A495FF10-C5B1-4B44-B512-1370F02D74DE", "A495FF10-C5B1-4B44-B512-1370F02D74DE" ); kCBAdvDataTxPowerLevel = 4; }
I try to scan from the puck:
>NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ name: 'Tilt' }] }).then(function(device) { : console.log(device); : }); =Promise: { } Uncaught Error: Unhandled promise rejection: No device found matching filters >
takes a address - but I don't know what the address of the device is - none of the NRF apps appear to show the address.Any ideas how I can connect to this device?
If it's working with dio for micro python - then that's unlikely.
Do a flash erase first - there might be something in flash left over that is giving you grief.