Hi @Robin
This what is working under windows 10 for me: (native Web IDE version 0.69.0)
[Select Directory for Sandbox]Directory of F:\OneDrive\brubonic\www\modules 31/12/2017 06:56 PM 4,088 DS18B20.js 22/08/2017 04:09 PM 1,934 pid-controller.js 22/07/2018 04:45 PM 8,553 ws.js 28/06/2018 10:06 PM 2,288 http://www.js
var PID = require('pid-controller'); var WWW = require('www');
And on send :
Connected to port TCP/IP: No error. Minified 1934 bytes to 1758 bytes. No error. Minified 2288 bytes to 1155 bytes. No error. Minified 4086 bytes to 1472 bytes. No error. Minified 8553 bytes to 3893 bytes.
I have noted on startup of the ide that sometimes do you need set the project sandbox on startup, as this seems to get forgotten and needs to be re-selected.
Looking at the settings->Console
These are at the relevant bits I see:
Loading http://www.espruino.com/json/ESP32.json Board JSON loaded Firmware >1.43 supports faster writes over USB Set Slow Write = false FIRMWARE: Current 1v99.166, Available 1v99 Device found (connectionId=undefined) [success] Connected to port TCP/IP: >>> Connected to port TCP/IP: - pid-controller requires [] [notify_info] No error. Minified 1934 bytes to 1758 bytes. - www requires [] [notify_info] No error. Minified 2288 bytes to 1155 bytes. - DS18B20 requires [] [notify_info] No error. Minified 4086 bytes to 1472 bytes. - ws requires [] [notify_info] No error. Minified 8553 bytes to 3893 bytes. Uploading 11848 bytes to flash Found a prompt... great! >>> Sending...
I was going to suggest the same regarding the literals - as you can paste the HTML source directly in, so it's easier to make changes and not escape ' and " etc.
Oh - and it's pretty cool. I was going to look at controlling some of my sons blu lego and possibly bb8 with web Bluetooth now there is windows 10 support.
@JumJum I think the flying shoe distracted your and you attached the wrong file ;-)
Enjoy your break.
It would be interesting with your build to set it to auto to see if that sticks and it works of the board.
I need to check the sdkconfig and ensure that auto is set.
Yes - it is.
I would like to automate ESP-IDF make to Espruino Make
This is exactly what this does:
https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoBuildTools/tree/master/esp32This is a series of scripts, that build the
folder that espurino uses for the ESP32 build.source script/provision ESP32
This is used by Travis, or by anyone wanting to build from source. This downloads the toolchain, and adds the two folders above.
I suggest that you clone the
repository and do the build to see how it works.In the
script, there are variables for changing what version you want to build:esp_idf_branch=${1:-v3.0.3} espruino_branch=${2:-master}
Please try this build:
You should see v3.0.3:
>ESP32.getState(); ={ sdkVersion: "v3.0.3", freeHeap: 37848, BLE: false, Wifi: true, minHeap: 34612 }
You might also need to load the partition table.bin as this was changed going to v3.0x
I know there are alot of other priorities in this great effort you and JumJum are doing. I am curious what the change was with adding the Bluetooth code.
We moved from the 2.x esp-idf to the 3.0x esp-idf. This changed a lot around Makefiles and things. We have no clue to why the neopixel code that was working with 2.x is not working with the 3.0x libs.
You have posted a series of related posts, and now this one.
It's quite hard to determine what it is you are trying to achieve - you are asking abstract questions, whereas if you stated what the goal or task is - then suggestions can be made.
Perhaps if you simply stated the what oh want to archive people can then offer solutions.
Found a few minutes so did a pull request here:
Sdk is now at 3.03 and the XTAL is set to auto. When the travis build is done you'll be able to download and try the new firmware.
I changed the settings actually and did a few recompiles and flashings, none of these made any difference
Changing the include in the sub folder and compiling won't make a diffierence - it's the sdk libs that would be picking up this setting - so in our case it's the espruino build tools project that needs to get built and then linked too.
What you can do is use the esptool and copy out the entire 4mb flash contents to a file. You can then host that in github, and people can download the image and flash with that. Please note wifi settings with passwords will be in the file, so you might want to blank thouse before you dump the image.
Perhaps a solution would be here at this point, as well as setting the found flag, clear the timer?