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Member since Aug 2015 • Last active Mar 2016
  • 3 conversations

Hobby coder / microcontroller

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  • in Interfacing
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    • SDA and SCL are hooked up in the right spots,

    • It's running on 5v to Vin

    • I don't have any resistors, so I'll run to the store and pick some up. Would the DHT22 also require those? (It works for me...sometimes, but it's finnicky)

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for scottKing
    • Pico
    • I tried them all separately, using the modules provided on the website
    • I purchased all my gear from adafruit, on the breakout boards (which come with resistors?)
    • Not sure what's going wrong here..
      // Here's the error message:
      "Uncaught InternalError: Timeout on I2C Write Transmit Mode 2
      at line 1 col 41
      ...eTo(C.MPL3115A2_ADDRESS,reg);var d=this.i2c.readFrom(C.MPL31...
      in function "readS16" called from line 1 col 67
      in function "MPL3115A2" called from line 1 col 19
      new MPL3115A2(_i2c)
      in function "connect" called from line 1 col 38
      var mpl = require("mpl").connect(I2C3);
      Uncaught Error: Field or method "getAltitude" does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined
      at line 1 col 4
      mpl.getAltitude(function(x) {
      > "
  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for scottKing

    Hello there!

    I posted something similar on this a while back, but I abandoned the project then. Arrogant as I am, I am back at the project again, which is going (slightly) better. I am building a weatherstation using:

    • DHT22 for Temp and RH,
      -TSL2561 for Light Measurements
      -MPL3115A2 for Pressure

    Basically, I have the light sensor and Temp sensor working, but I can't get the pressure board to go

    The configuration is:

    • DHT22 @ B5,
      -TSL @ B6 + B7,
      -MPL @ B4,A8

    I keep getting TIMEOUT errors, but the power and ground work for the TSL

    Can someone help me!



  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for scottKing

    Hey all, I was trying to load the module for the MPL115A2 bari pressure sensor, to no avail. I keep getting an error saying:

    Uncaught Error: Field or method "getData" does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined

    I also have the model MPL3115A2, the more accurate version (I am building a digital weather station) so I was wondering if the module needed tweaking?

    I tried replacing all the modules instances of 'MPL115A2' with 'MPL3115A2', but this .getData error is in the way of knowing whether she'll work.

    Thanks for the help!

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for scottKing

    Firstly, here is a link to the exact model I am trying to use


    I am trying to wire this up, I've checked the module reference and tried a few of the various LCD drivers, but I'm stumped. Does anyone know how to connect this model? I'm pretty new to microcontrollers and this is beyond me.

    Praise to any and all help!
