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Member since Jul 2015 • Last active Aug 2015
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    Taking Gordon's code as a template, I suppose it would look something like the code below. I pulled the init sequence from u8g_dev_st7567_pi13264.c and the define statements from u8g.h.

    NOTE: The code block rendering engine turns hash marks into links. In the define statements below you'll have to remove all the forward slashes.

    // I grabbed these define statements from u8g.h in the u8glib library
    // using this command "grep -ir U8G_ESC_* utility/u8g.h"
      \#define U8G_ESC_DLY(x) 255, ((x) & 0x7f)
      \#define U8G_ESC_CS(x) 255, (0xd0 | ((x)&0x0f))
      \#define U8G_ESC_ADR(x) 255, (0xe0 | ((x)&0x0f))
      \#define U8G_ESC_RST(x) 255, (0xc0 | ((x)&0x0f))
      \#define U8G_ESC_VCC(x) 255, (0xbe | ((x)&0x01))
      \#define U8G_ESC_END 255, 254
      \#define U8G_ESC_255 255, 255
    var exports={};
    exports.connect = function(/*=SPI*/_spi, /*=PIN*/_dc, /*=PIN*/_ce, /*=PIN*/_rst, callback) {
      var LCD = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(128,64,1,{verĀ­tical_byte:true});
      var spi = _spi;
      var dc = _dc;
      var ce = _ce;
      var rst = _rst;
      setTimeout(function() {
        digitalWrite(dc,0); // cmd
        digitalPulse(rst, 0, 10); // pulse reset low
        setTimeout(function() {      
         U8G_ESC_CS(0),    /* disable chip */
          U8G_ESC_ADR(0),   /* instruction mode */
         U8G_ESC_CS(1),    /* enable chip */
        U8G_ESC_RST(15),  /* do reset low pulse with (15*16)+2 milliseconds (=maximum delay)*/
      0x0a3,		    /* 0x0a3: LCD bias 1/9 (suggested for the pi13264) */
      0x0a1,		    /* 0x0a1: ADC set to reverse (suggested for the pi13264) */
      0x0c0,            /* common output mode: set scan direction normal operation/SHL Select, 0x0c0 --> SHL = 0, normal, 0x0c8 --> SHL = 1 */
      0x040,		    /* set display start line */
      0x028 | 0x04,     /* power control: turn on voltage converter */
          U8G_ESC_DLY(50),  /* delay 50 ms */
      0x028 | 0x06,     /* power control: turn on voltage regulator */
          U8G_ESC_DLY(50),  /* delay 50 ms */
      0x028 | 0x07,     /* power control: turn on voltage follower */
         U8G_ESC_DLY(50),  /* delay 50 ms */
      0x026,		    /* set V0 voltage resistor ratio to 6 */
      0x0a6,            /* display normal, bit val 0: LCD pixel off. */
      0x0C0,		    /* set contrast */
      0x018,		    /* contrast value*/
      /*0x0ac,*/        /* indicator */
      /*0x000,*/        /* disable */
      0x0af,            /* display on */
         U8G_ESC_DLY(100), /* delay 100 ms */
      0x0a5,		    /* display all points, ST7565 */
         U8G_ESC_DLY(100), /* delay 100 ms */
          U8G_ESC_DLY(100), /* delay 100 ms */
      0x0a4,		    /* normal display */
         U8G_ESC_CS(0),    /* disable chip */
          U8G_ESC_END       /* end of sequence */
            ], ce); 
          if (callback!==undefined) callback();
        }, 100);
      }, 100);
      LCD.flip = function () {
        for (var y=0;y<8;y++) {
          digitalWrite(dc,0); // cmd
          spi.write([0xB0|y/* page */,0x00/* col lower*/,0x10/* col upper*/],ce); 
          digitalWrite(dc,1); // data
          spi.write(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, 128*y, 128), ce);
      return LCD;
    // or whatever your pins are:
    SPI1.setup({ sck:B3, mosi:B5 });
    var g = exports.connect(SPI1,B6,B7,B8, function() {
  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for user56610

    Hi, Ducky. I'm glad to hear you're using the Pax Instruments LCD. This is the first I've heard of the Espruino, so I'll do my best to help.

    Can you get anything on the display using the st7565.c ? In u8glib the st7565 driver works well enough to get an image on the display, but the pixels are a bit off because the LCD is 132 and not the 128 pixels the driver was expecting.

    Have you used the LCD with an Arduino and verified that it does work?

    Are the wires connected correctly? The LCD plugs into the connector the same orientation as on the shield, which is not necessarily intuitive. See the attached image for orientation.
