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Member since May 2015 • Last active May 2015
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  • in Electronics
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    Hi Stevie, my only goal is to connect 2 picos, I don't really have a preference as to how it does it. I had presumed bluetooth was the only option.
    I'll look at the NRF24 you mention and see if that will help me out. Thanks for the tip.
    Is this it? http://www.espruino.com/NRF24L01P again I struggle to find pico specific stuff.
    Many thanks

  • in Electronics
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    Thanks Gordon - that was a little bit like reading Latin so I'll read it again slowly and see how far I can get. Thanks for your help!

  • in Electronics
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    SOLVED (for me anyway)
    I worked my way through the sample page for the screen and at one point thought my screen was broken as no words displayed, although I could get the light on. The problem was a real novice mistake! See if this is you too...

    The early examples on the page work as soon as they are sent to the pico, and the light stays on. The later examples put the code with in onInit, but with no call to the onInit function! So when you send the code to the board, you have to manually type onInit() on the left hand side of of the screen otherwise it won't run.

    I'm embarrassed to say that this took me about 2 hours to work out - but hopefully writing it down here will help out some others too.

    (There is an inconsistency in examples, sometime they add a call to onInit() at the bottom of the script, other times they don't, so be on the lookout for it.)


  • in Electronics
    Avatar for Tim

    Hi, I can't find any details for bluetooth and the pico board.
    Specifically I need to know what to buy, how to attach it to the pico, and some sample code to get me started. My goal is to get 2 pico boards communicating with each other.

    Many thanks in advance if you can provide any help :-)

