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Member since May 2015 • Last active Aug 2016
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  • in Porting to new Devices
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    @Gordon I've used to directly use the generated bins done by nkolban, Yes this was my first time to build from latest source code and flash it to my ESP

  • in Porting to new Devices
    Avatar for sameh.hady

    I've build the latest Espruino code base, but this time it seems taking muuuch time to upload the sketch( 10 times slower ) and then it gives me out of memory while uploading.

    I've tried to copy the mqtt module inline and was able to upload it but then it gave me error wifi not defined

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "wifi" is not defined
     at line 1 col 5
  • in JavaScript
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    Great @d0773dm glad you sorted it out :)

  • in JavaScript
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    Actually I do think this option is the best one so far, I am into doing a POC to see how will it work

  • in JavaScript
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    The <applet> tag is not supported in HTML5. Use <embed> or <object> instead.

    It is still possible, they can never remove the support for java applets, they just changed the tag

  • in JavaScript
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    Since i found that its not possible to override main WebSocket object, and since there is no way to establish simple tcp connection with html5. Another solution would be using java applet to form the tcp connection and modify its header to form a websocket client with static headers. I think this one would be possible

  • in JavaScript
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    remember, if the ws server crashed and restarted you will loose all your clients sessions and the clients will act as if they are rejoining again with new session.

  • in JavaScript
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    if the exception is related to the ws server then yes you will need to instantiate the server again, if it is not related then everything should be fine.

    Question is, why would the ws server crash? this shouldn't happen unless you have an issue in the code. So i recommend you find and fix than just catch

  • in JavaScript
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    maybe we can look into the native websocket object for a way to define it, honestly didnt try it out before.
