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Member since Apr 2015 • Last active Oct 2015
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    With 9600 baud it prints "AT+GMR\r\r\n0018000902-AI03\r\n\r\nOK\r\n" and it prints garbage with 57600 and 115200 baud, which seems to be expected with this old firmware. Correct?

    I tested 7 revisions of esptool back to a commit in January. As expected, no change.

    The next step would be to solder my other espruino with another wifi module.

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    One more question. Does the revision of esptool matter? I used the latest master from 2.9.15

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    Hi Gordon,
    thanks for your quick reply. What do you mean with

    Does testing the firmware version work with the ESP8266 as it is normally?

    If I try to print the version with wifi.getVersion I get errors. Maybe I already bricked the ESP ;-) I have another pico and another ESP. I will try them, but this needs some soldering.

    When done right, the blue LED should blink quickly
    When not done right, the blue LED will either not blink, or will blink twice (for longer).

    Then I've done it right. The blue led blinked exactly once.

    Of course, I did press enter.


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    I try to update the firmware of the ESP8266 like described here using the espruino pico: http://www.espruino.com/ESP8266

    I am using 1.80 on the espruino pico. My ESP8622 is soldered. I think I understood the description, but I always get "Failed to connect" with esptool. Since I am not a native speaker this is a litle bit hard to understand:

    Take 2 wires and connect one side of each to GND. Connect the first to GPIO0, while connecting and releasing the second to RST

    When I do it like I understand a blue LED on the ESP8622 flashes shortly while releasing the wire from RST. Is this correct?

    Here is the output of esptool and I am using OSX, if that matters.

    {20:16}[1.9.3]~/Downloads/esptool:master ✗ ➭ ./esptool.py -p /dev/tty.usbmodem80111 -b 19200 write_flash 0 ESP8266_AT25-SDK112-512k.bin
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./esptool.py", line 532, in <module>
      File "./esptool.py", line 159, in connect
        raise Exception('Failed to connect')
    Exception: Failed to connect

    Best regards,

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    For Firmware Updates please have a look in the Quick Start especially the software update section.

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    Thanks. I fixed it by bending the metal a litle bit.

  • in Interfacing
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    Hi Gordon,
    it's the display I got with my Pico and it seems to be broken :-(
    I get the Hello World String on the display only if I press the top left corner of metal around the display with my thumb.

    The backlight works with the second example code.

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    I know this thread is one year old but I am experiencing the same problem. I received my espruino pico last week and I am quite new to espruino at all. Started plugging things today ;-)

    @graf Did you solve your problem?

    I made the wiring exactly like in http://www.espruino.com/Pico+LCD+Hello+World and used the snipped from this page. Nothing happens. Only blue backlight.
