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Member since Apr 2015 • Last active Oct 2016
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    Thanks for that. I have been using Safari as its already default on my Iphone with the IOS, so I installed it on my PC also, I found the Apple Safari reading list function very handy for study etc. You are correct though, I had not noticed it was not updated recently. I just deleted it and will see if I like google chrome instead.

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    As promised, I found an old similar datasheet for the type of pickup coils.
    See attached.

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    Thank You that was as easy as you described.
    I was using Apple Safari as my default browser.

    Let the fun begin:) Thanks again !

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    Are you attempting to use an Espruino as a Flow analyzer or Flow calculator?
    Most liquid flow turbine meters that I have been familiar with use a magnetic pick up coil to generate an analogue pulse output to connect to a separate electronic flow analyzer. Flow meter comes with pre-calibrated internals with usually a 10 or 12 point calibration certificate (Calibrated with water or swept volume) and given a K factor number. This information is entered into the flow computer or analyser. These are either remote mount or directly mounted, bearing in mind shielded cables to drown out any interference or noise etc. I tried to find a datasheet on the pickup coils, and will keep looking. Some good info here:

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    Avatar for KrumblySG

    Hi Everyone,
    I received my Kickstarter Espruino Pico board today, too much excitement!
    I followed the instructions carefully on the quick start webpage, particularly the windows 8.1 drivers instructions.

    *** Windows 8.1 and XP Users: Windows XP and 8.1 do not appear to have generic drivers for USB CDC devices, so you'll have to get them from ST via st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF257938. You'll have to unzip the file, run the executable, and then go to C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Virtual comport driver in Windows Explorer and double-click either dpinst_amd64.exe for 64 bit systems ***

    However the Espruino pico board in windows 8.1 pro version is still showing as unrecognised.
    When I plug in the board into the usb socket, holding the test button, I see dancing red and green leds pulsing.
    So its working, but not showing up as a usb drive or port etc.
    In Device manager, under com ports, I see listed:
    STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port (COM5).
    Location Port_0007 hub 0003

    So apart from receiving a nice shiny addition to my usb port with disco lights, it don't do much:(

    Any ideas?
