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Member since Nov 2014 • Last active Jan 2015
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    I think it would be good if possible. I'm just thinking of enabling some neat experiments with simple code that people would be able to do with it straight away. I always find the more success new users see up front the more they are willing to endure as the learning curve steepens. Congrats on the kickstarter.

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    "The problem is that the screen only really refreshes at max 60Hz, so it would be very slow to transfer data."

    I can see that :)
    I totally accepted that for a day. Wouldn't be the end of the world just tape the pico to the screen provided it was reliable - but another thought hit me too (ignoring the fact that the board is incredibly tightly packed already and may have all available i/o pins utilized). It is just such a fundamental way people can so easily interact with the board right out of the box in a way that they can simply manipulate and reliably validate. Kind of a shared basic sense. Just a consideration of which I'm sure are bombarded with. Might make a good automated production test too.


    Disclaimer I don't work for digikey or liteon and the pico is brilliantly cool non the less.

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    This is very cool. Did you consider doing something similar with a photo sensitive diode held up to an area of the screen? If that was built onto the pico it would require even less hardware and you would have your device independence. You would have to have a good "key" pattern to enable transfer.
