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Hi guys,
I don't know if anybody still follows this thread, but I'm having a very similar problem with the 1v70 on this same board.
The difference is that sometimes, after un-powering and re-connecting the board (most often I have to do it several times) I do get correct data.
BUT, as soon as I re-run the "SPI1.send([0x20,0b01000111], E3);" line I keep getting 0 OR 255 as values.Thank you for your help,
Sorry guys, I've actually found the fix. One really need to add the SPI1.setup() line, and by trial and error I've discovered that the 3 below parameters are the mandatory ones:
SPI1.setup({sck:A5, miso:A6, mosi:A7});
SPI1.send([0x20,0b01000111], E3);
With them it works all the time, without it only works some times... (which is really strange :) )