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@JumJum yes, for sure (sorry i had been at the hospital for some days). It's runcode but it could be easily converted to a Driver like the SSD1351 :
SPI1.setup({ mosi:A7, sck:A5, baud:2000000 }); function connect (/*=SPI*/spi, /*=PIN*/dc, /*=PIN*/cs, /*=PIN*/rst, callback) { cs.write(1); // disable dc.write(0); // command rst.write(0); // reset var cd = function (c,d) { dc.write(0); // command spi.send(c); if (d!==undefined) { dc.write(1); // data spi.send(d); } }; setTimeout(function() { // 20ms delay rst.write(1); // un-reset setTimeout(function() { // 120ms delay cs.write(0); // enable // cd(0x01); // ST7735: Software reset // wait 120ms // cd(0x00); // ST7735: No Operation // cd(0x10); // ST7735: SLPIN Sleep in & booster off cd(0x11); // ST7735: SLPOUT Sleep out & booster on // cd(0x12); // ST7735: PTLON Partial mode on // cd(0x13); // ST7735: NORON Partial off (Normal) // cd(0x38); // ST7735: IDMOFF Idle mode off // cd(0x39); // ST7735: IDMON Idle mode on // cd(0x20); // ST7735: INVOFF Display inversion off // cd(0x21); // ST7735: INVON Display inversion on cd(0x26,8); // ST7735: GAMSET Gamma curve select // cd(0x28); // ST7735: DISPOFF Display off // cd(0x30,[psl15_8, psl7_0, pel15_8, pel7_0]); // ST7735: PTLAR Partial start/End address set // cd(0x34); // ST7735: TEOFF tearing effect line off // cd(0x35, telom); // ST7735: TEON Tearing effect mode set & on // ST7735: MADCTL Memory data access control (rotation, mirror, rgb/bgr, refresh order) cd(0x36, 0xC0); // horizontal128, vertical160, connector at bottom, no mirror // cd(0x36, 0x00); // horizontal128, vertical160, connector at top, no mirror // ST7735: COLMOD Interface pixel format cd(0x3a, 5); // 5 = 16bit/pixel // ST7735: Panel function Command List // cd(0xB1,[rtna3_0, fpa5_0, bpa5_0]); // ST7735: FRMCTR1 In normal mode (Full colors) // cd(0xB2,[rtnb3_0, fpb5_0, bpb5_0]); // ST7735: FRMCTR2 In Idle mode (8-colors) // cd(0xB3,[rtnc3_0, fpc5_0, bpc5_0, rtnd3_0, fpd5_0, bpd5_0]); // ST7735: FRMCTR3 In partial mode + Full colors // cd(0xB4, nla_c); // ST7735: INVCTR Display inversion control // cd(0xB6, [no1_0_sdt1_0_eq1_0, ptg1_0_pt1_0]); // ST7735: DISSET5 Display function setting cd(0x29); // ST7735: DISPON Display on cs.write(1); // disable if (callback!==undefined) callback(); }, 120); }, 20); return Graphics.createCallback(128,160,16,{ setPixel : function(x,y,col) { cs.write(0); dc.write(0);spi.send(0x2a); // ST7735: CASET Column address set dc.write(1);spi.send([0,x,0,127]); dc.write(0);spi.send(0x2b); // ST7735: RASET Row address set dc.write(1);spi.send([0,y,0,159]); dc.write(0);spi.send(0x2c); // ST7735: RAMWR Memory write dc.write(1);spi.send([col>>8,col]); cs.write(1); }, fillRect : function(x1,y1,x2,y2,col) { cs.write(0); dc.write(0);spi.send(0x2a); // ST7735: CASET Column address set dc.write(1);spi.send([0,x1,0,x2]); dc.write(0);spi.send(0x2b); // ST7735: RASET Row address set dc.write(1);spi.send([0,y1,0,y2]); dc.write(0);spi.send(0x2c); // ST7735: RAMWR Memory write dc.write(1); var p = [col>>8,col, col>>8,col, col>>8,col, col>>8,col, col>>8,col, col>>8,col, col>>8,col, col>>8,col]; var i=(1+x2-x1)*(1+y2-y1)+8; while ((i-=8)>8) spi.send(p); p = [col>>8,col]; while (i-->0) spi.send(p); cs.write(1); }}); } var g = connect(SPI1, A3, B10, B11, function() { g.clear(); g.drawString("Hello",0,0); g.setFontVector(20); g.setColor(0,0.5,1); g.drawString("Espruino",0,10); });
@Loop i would totally agree with Gordon and the CSTN technology would be pain for your eyes
@JumJum you refer a very nice display, i've placed an order right now :)
I have modified the SSD1351 OLED Driver to drive this ST7735R Display (1.8" 128x160): -
+DrAzzy Yes, i have. The VDD pin sources only the current for the light, the VCC pin sources only the control circuit of the WS2812, which draws less current and at the 3.3 of Espruino therefore no Problem, because it's bypassed by capacitor. I go this way after magnifying the sample circuit on page 5 showing a series resistance of 150 ohms making it impossible to draw more then 33ma. I have tested it with 2 pieces on a breadboard and they are burning my eyes (at 255,255,255). This is just a test-setup, real projects get a seperate bypass-capacitor.
No firmware issue. Changed the wiring and it works. DrAzzy might got the cause (but brightness was meaningless, therefore i hadn't guessed a hardware concern).
I was using a bare WS2812 (6pin 5050) without cap. The curious issue occurs having
WS2812.VCC and WS2812.VDD wired to the voltage Espruino.Bat .
Now i had changed only WS2812.VCC to Espruino.3.3 and the issue has gone.
Thank you and sorry guys. -
Great idea. I suggest to initially add it to the existing Implementation.
Buffersize @ .Setup ?
Some builds later you could remove the old.
I guess you would also add 'error' and/or 'break' later, right ?