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as bundle with the WIZ550io plug-in Ethernet module and adapter the PICO is also available in our e-sales.
For all Europe, in Euro €:
WIZnet.EU Shop Espruino Pico bundle kit
best regards, Joachim -
Thanks Gordon for the SPI I/F repair and setIP() command update in version 1.78.
After reset all W5500 registers are 0x00 - OK.
And, for DHCP with setIP(), the MAC is updated to 00:08:DC:01:02:03 by default if not specified before.
The 00:08:DC = "WIZnet" and the 01:02:03 is just random to have a valid value here.
Now, the W5500BoB is working too :-).Just one more strange effect - the MAC-Address looks scrambled after a direct change and then read-back.
WEB IDE:>SPI2.setup({ mosi:B15, miso:B14, sck:B13 }) // for PICO + W5500 (Shim) =undefined >var eth = require("WIZnet").connect(SPI2, B10) // make the Ethernet object ={ } >eth.getIP() // just read out the start values out of W5500, expect all 0x00 here ={ "ip": "", "subnet": "", "gateway": "", "dns": "", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00" } // OK, all empty, as expected >eth.setIP() // make DHCP > Send DHCP_DISCOVER > Receive DHCP_OFFER > Send DHCP_Request > Receive DHCP_ACK // success =true >eth.getIP() // read out new W5500 address register content ={ "ip": "", // received IP-Address "subnet": "", "gateway": "", "dns": "", "mac": "00:08:dc:01:02:03" // here default address, ..01:02:03, OK. } >eth.setIP({ mac : "00:08:dc:1e:dc:3c" }) // change MAC-Address here =true >eth.getIP() // read out W5500 internal registers ={ "ip": "", "subnet": "", "gateway": "", "dns": "", "mac": "00:08:8e:18:8e:2a" // it's different, strange ?!?! } >eth.setIP() // a new request to DHCP > Send DHCP_DISCOVER > Receive DHCP_OFFER > Send DHCP_Request > Receive DHCP_ACK // working OK =true >eth.getIP() // read out again ={ "ip": "", // new IP received from Server, OK "subnet": "", "gateway": "", "dns": "", "mac": "00:08:8e:18:8e:2a" // still same strange MAC-Address, we can work with that anyway } >
I need to check the source codes, but the MAC address is changed into the 'strange' one always in the same way. Also, if I add just +1 to my intended MAC the 'strange' version also become +1.
=> it's not random. I'm OK with that.
I think something is wrong while Read or Write the MAC-Address register.Thanks and best regards, Joachim, WIZnet Europe GmbH
Hello Gordon, thanks for the answer.
You can change MAC address at any time. It's just a 6 byte register in the W5500 chip. You can do that also at the WIZ550io Module, if you like to. Of cause not while you have an open=connected TCP Socket, but no problem beside that. A new ARP will be send with next socket opereation, and maybe a new IP address needed from the DHCP-Server, ...The Idea with using .setIP() command for the MAC-address change is good.
I'll try that, maybe you're more quick at that anyway.
Good luck with the bug fixing and create 1.78 then - best regards, Joachim. -
Hello Gordon and Friends here,
first af all I like to say Thanks to Gordon for the massive work doing. He is a one man company doing Hardware and Software all by him self. Let's support him as best as we can. Bugs can happen and Gordon will fix is soon. I'm sure.
I started to add anpother W5500 Module to the Espruino Pico - and encountered same problem :-(
Please see my setup here:
Espruino Pico + W5500BoB + RJ45
So, I downgraded my Pico to Firmware 1.75 and it works, but only 90%.
Now, I have another Problem that the W5500BoB does not have a pre-programmed MAC-Addresss and IP setup.
All is ..00:00:00.. and without MAC-address also DHCP can not work.
The difference is, that the WIZ550io has a small PIC12 on board to pre-config the W5500 in a few ms (at startup) with unique MAC-address and a first static IP ++++
So with WIZ550io Module it's no problem.
But how to get the MAC address into the W5500 without that pre-setting ?
The W5500BoB has only the W5500 chip, and that's empty at the start.
And, I could not find any command for setting up the MAC-address.
=> I added code into the W5500 driver inside the Espruino's C code - but the 1.77 is not working ... see main topic is all about here. And I don't like to fork from 1.76 or even 1.75.
I'm trapped for the next few day - I think.
Please debug the 1.77 and help me to add MAC-address setup into Espruino FW.
best regards, Joachim -
Thanks Gordon for the nice work on the "Internet I/F".
The WIZnet WIZ550io Module is available from many sources in EU also.
Mouser is B2B and very USA focused - TAX, transport....
But, more and more shops adopt our Modules, but "free shipping" is very often not available.
Please check: RS, TME, SOS, Lextronic, Watterott, ... or our -
Hello Gordon,
sorry I missed your many e-mails - shame on me.
Yes, we have some (enough) Espruino Boards here and I will set up more tests tomorrow morning immediately.
If you like we can send you some v1.1 modules tomorrow (with FedEx) - just send me your current postal address by e-mail - you will have them in hand asap.Thanks for your nice work on the Ethernet I/F using our Hardwired TCP/IP Chip / Module.
We will keep track here and fight the Bug, best regards, Joachim.
I'm Joachim Wülbeck, engineer at WIZnet Europe GmbH the local branch office located in Germany but acting all EU.
For contact you can find me @ Twitter also.
And, private: interrested in Irish Fiddle playing and more a Geek type - staying young.