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Hello possmann,
I did some test with two kind of WIZ550io modules and Espruino board but both worked well without any problem.
I downloaded the latest firmware,, onto espruino.
I did test following your test sequence.
Both worked well in static IP mode and those have gotten its IP address from DHCP server in DHCP mode.
Webserver application run successfully and I could access to the webserver onto my espruino board.I think there is no fault in not only WIZ550io Rev 1.0 but alse Rev 1.1, and Espruino's ethernet library.
Well, first step: this is the output for getIP()
={"ip":"", "subnet":"", "gateway":"", "dns":"", "mac":"0008dc1d4f18" }
so, i tried to connect the DHCP with eth.setIP(); after 5 minutes no response in the WEBIDE, just a blinking cursor after.
I'm suspicious of above result.
In static IP mode, its IP address should be read correctly, but you couldn't do that.There may be something wrong in the interface of WIZ550io and epruino board.
Could you check that interface using oscilloscope?Thank you.
Hello Guys,
I'm James from WIZnet.
I saw the post which Gordon wrote on our forum site.
Hi Gordon, do you remember me? We have met at the office of APC Hero in Cambridge.Anyway, let me tell what the difference is between Rev 1.0 and 1.1 of WIZ550io.
There is no difference except those header pin's pitch was changed.
The gap of two header pin rows is too wide to plug in a breadboard and many customers request to make it short a little, so we made the revised one, Rev 1.1.
Except that, there is no change. All parts are same. Schematic is same. But Routing is changed a little because hardware dimension was changed.I am thinking why WIZ550io didn't work properly.
According to possmann's post, he did try to get IP address from DHCP server because His Synology has the same IP address,, which WIZ550io has as the default, right?
But he couldn't get IP address from DHCP server and his command, eth.getIP() returned all 0's.- To solve this problem, I need the captured packets with wireshark.exe.
- I guess possmann called eth.getIP() in too short time after reset whole system. If there is no problem in Espruino's DHCP library, I recommend he wait for more time.
- Anyway, if you capture all the packets between WIZ550io and DHCP server, it will help us analyze the reason.
And for the second issue.
Possman said that he set WIZ550io with fixed IP address, after reset Espruino then it worked well, but it didn't work again after http.get(), Right?- As he told before, he already has a system having IP address, So there are two devices, his Sysnology and WIZ550io, within the same network.
This may make IP conflict. - Try to eth.setIP() with IP address which is not being used. If he can succeed http.get() command, this is the reason why his WIZ550io didn't work properly after http.get().
Please try to solve IP conflict first. This is more easy issue.
Let me know your test result.
Thank you.
- To solve this problem, I need the captured packets with wireshark.exe.
@Gordon and @DrAzzy,
I think it is a timing issue.
When you send to or read from W5500 inside WIZ550io, its working mechanism is like below.
When reading,
MCU sends three bytes containing address and operation code first and make additional SPI clocks for the length of bytes.
Then W5500 sends dummy data like 0x01, 0x02 and 0x03 during first three bytes and then real data, which MCU should get, synchronizing to additional SPI clocks back over MISO pin.
possmann wrote,
I think that WIZ550io sent back 1, 2, 3, 192, 168, 1, 2 in decimal sequentially but MCU returned a user 4 bytes from 3, not 192 by unknown fault,
This is the reason why I'm saying it may be timing issue.
WIZ550io has a tiny MCU inside to intialize W5500 with real MAC address and default IP address.
So it takes a few mili seconds to finish intialization.
WIZ550io provides RDY pin(J2.2) to check it.
@possmann I recommend you connect your WIZ550io's RDY pin to espruino's any GPIO pin and do ether.getIP() or ether.setIP() after its value turns to '1'
@Gordon Can you send me your ethernet dirver code for W5500? It may be helpful for me to find the reason of this problem.
Thank you.