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Member since Sep 2013 • Last active Dec 2023
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    As attachments, there are none... the forum does not include a player.

    But the forum will embed players from other platforms, so if you paste a link to a YouTube video - i.e. you uploaded it there - then the forum software will convert the link into an embed of the YouTube player with that video showing.

    i.e. merely pasting this into a comment:


    Will result in this rendering:


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    Glad you have a workaround.

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    There seems to be no inherent reason why the forum isn't displaying it correctly... the forum is UTF-8 end-to-end and manually typing it is just fine.

    It makes me wonder whether the process of copying and pasting from the console into the comment has done something, whether the console itself isn't displaying as full UTF-8 and so it doesn't copy as such.

    As it works (seen above in my comments) I don't believe this to be a bug with the forum, but I am curious as to where it creeps in.

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    Oh, it's in a source code quoted part... interesting. No, not seen that before.

    EUR = €

    I'm flummoxed.

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    Dealt with the other spammer... more safely too.

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    Messages should now be restored.

    Dealing with the other spate of spam now.

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    Oh... and I could construct knowledge that a huddle existed from the comments... i.e. who commented = who has permission, and the comments know which huddle they belonged to.

    The missing thing is I don't know the title of the huddles.

    Oh well, this backup can't take forever.

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    Will they be restored?


    So the messages are still in the database, but I screwed up a query when I nuked the spam.

    For reference a "huddle" is kinda like a direct message conversation.

    The data structure is "huddle exists and contains comments, huddle profiles maps huddles to those who can view them and contribute further messages"... the profiles exist, the comments exist, but when I nuked the spam I figured I had left orphaned huddles so best delete them. I wrote a complex piece of SQL to "find huddles which have only deleted comments, remove the profiles and delete the huddle"... but the bit that is "have only deleted comments" was wrong, and the query went too far and has deleted the huddles for all on this site.

    So... how to repair? Well... just get the valid huddles and huddle profiles bits back from a backup.

    Where are my backups? Tarsnap.

    I've been pulling a backup all day, but I back up the whole database and so far it's at 14GB downloaded and decrypted, and then I need to pull it somewhere and restore the two tables, find the rows to be copied back and then put them back.

    And lesson learned? Don't delete spam manually even when I don't have access to test environments... ban first (safe) and delete later with a proven and tested script.

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    Not that I know of.

    I typically report them to stopforumspam and this forum uses that database as well.
