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Member since Sep 2013 • Last active Apr 2015
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for mattrco

    Sorry folks - there were a few issues last night and I was on a train so it took me a bit longer to get to it. We're importing a large forum and this has resulted in a few slow database queries.

    Gordon, you should be able to delete the empty threads now.

  • in Projects
    Avatar for mattrco

    I'm quite interested in SPI for other reasons and already have the module, but it's worth bearing 802.11 in mind if it proves difficult.

    In theory it shouldn't matter if it's reset when the batteries are changed (as long as it can reconnect) since whatever persists the readings will use its own clock.

  • in Projects
    Avatar for mattrco

    Heh, excellent bubble counter. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Happy to contribute any code that others might find useful - will take a look at what's required.

  • in Projects
    Avatar for mattrco

    I'm planning to build a wireless temperature sensor to assist someone in their hobby, brewing beer. Periodic temperature report is all that's required, no control at this stage.

    I bought the NRF24L01+ kit, so the next steps are:

    • Finding a temperature sensor suitable for immersing in liquid (with a sterilised cover)
    • Working out how to power the Espruino for (at least) a few days. I have a few old phone handsets so I'm hoping to use the batteries. There is no mains power where the beer is fermented.
    • Working out whether I need to use the other Espruino to receive SPI and communicate over serial to a linux machine. Ideally, I won't need to do this and can use SPI directly from the linux machine.

    As you can see, the plan is very rough so far. And I haven't used SPI before so I'm not sure of the range or what I'll need on the linux side.

  • in General
    Avatar for mattrco

    A search bar has appeared :)

    We're not sure how well it will cope with searching code, but for natural languages it seems to be pretty good.

  • in General
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    In the UK I've used http://oomlout.co.uk/ before.

    They were excellent, correcting my order for me when I'd made a mistake and not even charging me the difference.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for mattrco

    Strange, I posted it here without issue just copying and pasting from your code:


    But I'll take another look tomorrow.

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for mattrco

    Bug noted, thanks Austin! If you add a blank line between the normal text and the three backticks at the start of your code block, it'll work fine for now.

  • in General
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    Gordon, this just to check that you're receiving email notifications. Feel free to delete this comment when you've seen it :)
