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Member since Oct 2024 • Last active Jan 2025
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    We're using a custom board and recently we've managed to connect Ethernet module based on W5500. It works great, however it has its issues. For instance - if a cable isn't connected on .connect(), the whole system freezes. It also can run out of free sockets because, apparently, it doesn't disconnect them properly, or at all. I've managed to find on the internet that several people 'fixed' the WIZnet library for their needs.
    Either way this requires further investigation on my end, but my current question is:
    What version of WIZnet library Espruino uses as a base and were there any modifications to it?

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    Is there a way to check if Espruino is connected to a computer via USB besides something like that?

    E.getConsole() == 'USB';

    I'd like my program to have a different behaviour depending on that factor.

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    Avatar for MarkBloom

    Hi. Thanks for the quick response, @Gordon!

    Sorry for the unclear question, as I was too hasty and misinterpret what we actually want.

    For our educational platform project we're planning to build our own board based on STM32F405 or STM32F407 chip (most likely 407). If I understand correctly, Espruino does support these chips.
    For our memory problem we're going to use QSPI PSRAM, which Esproino in general can support, according to STM32L496G Discovery Board and its supperior number of vars.
    So, can a firmware version for STM32F407 work with a custom board with this chip and can QSPI PSRAM be accessed?

    Thanks again and sorry for inconvenience of my first post.

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    For out Espruino project we're planning to use STM32 F4 Discovery. However there's one noticable downside - it doesn't have enough memory for what we're planning to do. To compensate that we're going to try to use PSRAM, which is supported by the chip, and external Flash.

    My question is: How likely it is, or is possible at all, for Espruino to have memory conflics accessing RAM/PSRAM/Internal flash/External flash? Or to put it simply: are there any known memory issues with described approach?

