Avatar for SI_Cheng-Yun


Member since Apr 2024 • Last active May 2024
  • 1 conversations


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  • in ESP32
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  • in ESP32
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    Yes, yes, it is indeed this issue.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SI_Cheng-Yun

    I can read it after writing, so I can read the value I wrote. Just write => read.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SI_Cheng-Yun

    no no no no no... writing does work!
    just the callback function onWrite() is not implemented
    I can both read and write / edit the value of certain characteristic, but could not call the onWrite() callback function
    In my conception, I should write / edit the value of characteristic A, and then my ESP32 call the onWrite() callback function to verify this value. If the value is valid, ESP32 will change characteristic B to readable mode.
    Just like some kind of encryption verification.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SI_Cheng-Yun

    I plan to learn the source code when I have some free time in a while and try to solve this problem (since I don't have a hardware background myself, I actually find it a bit difficult, though you say it's easy).

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SI_Cheng-Yun

    There are indeed some issues with ESP32, sad...

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SI_Cheng-Yun

    After solving the existing problems, I found that callback function for onWrite() is not implemented.
    And Unable to implement the notify and indicate, my phone always reports error when sending notification listening requests to ESP32.

      0x1901: {
        0x1902: {
          value : "Hello",
          broadcast : true,
          readable : true,
          writable : true,
          notify : true,
          indicate: true,
          onWrite: (event) => {
            console.log("Got: ", event);
  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SI_Cheng-Yun

    This is really wonderful. Thank you all very much for your selfless and kind work, which has inspired me so much!

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for SI_Cheng-Yun

    This is really wonderful! This further enhances my motivation to handle many tasks later on, Many thanks for you!
