Avatar for FManga


Member since Jan 2024 • Last active Jul 2024
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    Just confirmed that Warpdrive now works with pretokenization enabled. :)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    Confirmed, uploading to RAM in the IDE now works.

    I repeated the tests with Synthwave:
    Storage + No pretokenize = OK
    Storage + Pretokenize = Crash and reboot. Trying to run code directly in storage?
    RAM + Pretokenize = No crash but no rendering
    RAM + No pretokenize = No crash but no rendering
    Flash + No pretokenize = OK
    I'll do some more testing later to figure out why it doesn't render anything when running from RAM.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    Oh, I would expect the opposite!

    That snippet doesn't have static/global variables, so it should be fine anywhere. The crash is probably due to the IDE replacing unknown characters with ? when uploading.


    This would be best, the others would avoid the atob optimization.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    There's no Synthwave in the main banglejs.com/apps page - so I assume it's in your repo?

    The PullRequest for it (together with Warpdrive) is still open (https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/pull/3156). My fork of BangleApps is only missing the last 3 commits, which don't seem to be related. Besides, I was testing on https://www.espruino.com/ide, not my own fork of the IDE.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    While it sure isn't as trivial an optimization as it seemed to me at first, the speedup (and space savings?) from your benchmarks sound great!

    I've updated to the latest firmware. When I try to reinstall all the apps I get the errors in the attachment. The first time I tried, it got stuck updating the Scheduler app. I manually uninstalled/installed it, then tried again. Now it doesn't get stuck but it outputs those errors.

    In the WebIDE, if I enable pretokenization on Synthwave and try to upload to RAM I get the following error:
    You have more open brackets than close brackets. Please see the hints in the Editor window.
    Apparently it's trying to reformat the pretokenized code and breaks.

    If I don't enable pretokenization, Synthwave uploads to RAM successfully, but the C++ code no longer works, I haven't looked into what broke yet. If I enable pretokenization but upload to storage instead of RAM, it crashes. It only works if I disable pretokenization and upload to storage.

    Enabling Esprima minification results in "Error: Unreachable point. logically broken.", but the code uploads anyway.

    The following works with pretokenization in Storage but not in RAM.

        let c = E.compiledC(`
        // int boop(int)
        int boop(int d) {
          return d * 42;
        print('boop:', c.boop(3));
  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    This sounds a bit like UTF8. Would there happen to be code in the firmware for encoding/decoding that already?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    My first try at getting this compiling didn't go so well... on a Mac. I'll try again on Arch Linux.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    I happen to have one of those STLINK V2 clones, so all I need is the usb female cable adapter.
    Time to cut some old USB extension. :)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for FManga

    Interesting! This sounds like something fun to play with. Do I need a devkit to mess with this code or can I do it safely over bluetooth without bricking my Banglejs2?
