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Member since Dec 2023 • Last active Apr 2024
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for chaozz

    Well, the idea of Bangle.js if you don't have to if it bothers you. The handler for when you press the button on a message is here:

    I took me some figuring out how to get the edited file on the watch, but that definitely did the trick!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for chaozz

    You could try the fast reset app. If you do and there is something you think needs fixing please do tell! 🙂

    Awesome. Installed. I'll let you know if I run in any issues.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for chaozz

    These vibration patterns are exactly what I was looking for! I have also disabled repeat, which was set to 4 seconds (I feel it was longer than that). I'll test these settings today, see if it helps.

    I know about the long press, but I don't like it. I guess that is something I will have to get used to.

    Thanks @johan_m_o and @Gordon.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for chaozz

    I have been using my Bangle JS 2 for a few weeks now, and as a former Pebble user I love the watch. I love the idea, the open nature, the battery life, the eco system. There's a lot to love here. Just a few tweaks and for me it's perfect!

    I do however have a few issues with notifications.

    1. I'm using banglejs Gadgetbridge on my Android phone. When I receive a notification the watch shows the notifcation and vibrates. However, it will not stop vibriting until I press the button on the watch. Which means that if I don't wear the watch (for example at night) it will just continue to vibrate and drain the battery.
      Is there a fix for this? Did I miss a setting in Gadgetbridge?

    2. Is there a way for the watch button to always instantly bring me back to the watch face? I don't need to see a list of older notifications. I find myself just endlessly pressing the back button until I see my watch face again after receiving a notification.

    3. Last issue, and I've seen others mention this as well; the vibration motor is really weak. I have my phone set to silent and use my watch to notify me for incoming calls and messages. However, I miss a lot of calls because of the week vibration.

    Is this something that can be addressed in software? Or is there a way to install a beefier vibration motor, like the on in the Pebble (set to jackhammer that thing could wake you up).
