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Member since Nov 2023 • Last active Dec 2023
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982

    Weird, for me it was just when messages came in normally, maybe because of the messages widget or fullscreen notifier? Either way, it seems to be working properly for me now in 2v19.84. Thanks again! You're the best!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982

    It looks like an issue on 2v19.79 (latest cutting edge) as well. It wakes up the watch and opens Messages but doesn't vibrate and says "No Messages"

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982

    Actually, now that you mention it, that seems to be happening to me right now as well. I'm probably misremembering but I could have sworn it was working correctly earlier... Attached is the debug log from receiving an email and another from a chat message.

    GB nightly 0.76.1-banglejs-66b36564a

    edit: updated to GB Nightly ae75f82a6 and replaced attachments with bangle debug and matching gadgetbridge log of same issue on latest versions

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982

    Amazing! So fast! That seems to have taken care of it. Thank you!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982

    I just installed the standard Launcher (I normally use Desktop Launcher) to test that on a hunch and it looks like the app icons suffer the same issue when scrolling there as well. I'm not sure what else might be affected but it does seem to be just icons while scrolling.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982


    Is anyone else having Settings App display issues when they rotate their Bangle.js 2 to "Left Handed"? For me, the chevrons and check boxes don't show up correctly. Sometimes clicking where the checkbox should be will make parts of it appear, but not always (it does toggle it every time though). Attached is an example screenshot where you can see the "Wake on Button" checkbox half drawn, and the "Wake on Tap" not appearing. It seems that generally the initial chevrons and boxes show up and it's issues with scrolling. Number and text values on the right work properly.

    Firmware 2v19
    Apps up to date (Settings v0.68)

    Thanks in advance for your time.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982

    Awesome, I will look into getting that installed and let you know how it works out. It usually happens to me 1-2 times per day so I'll check back in a few days to a week if it's all clear. Thank you so much!

    edit: a couple days in and it's working great so far!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982

    It freezes on both "Weather Clock" and "Mountain Pass Clock" faces, I haven't noticed it in other apps but I don't leave them up and idling for meaningful amounts of time. Attached is filtered logcat dump of all gadgetbridge tagged entries in the minute it froze at 19:19 yesterday if that helps.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156982

    Watch firmware: 2v19, DFU 2v16
    Android Bangle.js Gadgetbridge Version: 0.76.1a-banglejs
    Apps up to date as of 2 weeks ago updating again now (should have done that first, sorry, but this issue has been going on through multiple updates for many months).
    settings .65->.68, alarms .44->.45, weather .25->.26, message ui .74->.75

    As folks above have said, manually disconnecting/reconnecting through GB on the phone or rebooting the watch fixes it but the watch freezes and remains unresponsive on a frozen watch face until then.
