Avatar for GoodbyeEspruino


Member since Feb 2023 • Last active Mar 2023
  • 2 conversations

At first I thought it was great, but when I went further, I saw that it doesn't really work, slow speed and memory errors for ESP32.

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for GoodbyeEspruino

    I already tested all these links. But unfortunately, Espruino does not work well with me, however, thank you for sending these links

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for GoodbyeEspruino

    Adding more features and improving its speed in (screen, SPI) and adding more and useful commands. I'm currently working with esp idf, but I'm primarily a javascript developer. I like to design mostly with javascript, but esp idf is great too.


    With esp idf I wrote code that is really fast on STXXXX and ILIXXXX series displays and works perfectly with 16-bit RGB colors without slowing down. I want to add these features to Espruino.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for GoodbyeEspruino

    it's interesting. Until now, I have not seen this command model for making firmware anywhere

    make -j BOARD=ESP32 RELEASE=1
    make -j BOARD=ESP32 RELEASE=1 flash

    I mean (make -j), I will definitely test that as well

    Have you flashed the javascript code to see if it is saved and executable?

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for GoodbyeEspruino

    For the last test, instead of wsl windows, I want to test in Linux virtual box, if it gives the same error again, I will say goodbye to espruino.

    But if I could, I would make powerful style libraries for it, because I'm good at esp-idf, especially on screen to improve its speed.

  • in ESP32
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    thank you for this link, but i not problem in flash i problem in create new framework and in this link not defined tutorial for create framework esp32

  • in ESP32
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    Could you make a video tutorial of all the things you described and upload it to YouTube? I think I didn't do part of the work or maybe I should add something but I don't know how to make a video tutorial and upload it. If you do this, I am sure that those who have this problem like me will be solved and then this issue will be closed once and for all.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for GoodbyeEspruino

    when i turn on esp32

  • in ESP32
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    I did not check this

    But I went through all the steps mentioned in github with wsl Ubuntu and then I got the output

    Is it possible to record the training video and upload it to YouTube?
