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Member since Apr 2022 • Last active Apr 2022
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for zerodogg

    Thanks for the replies!

    @rigrig that's exactly what I thought, since I'd be interfering with the clock thinking it has exclusive draw access.

    I'm leaning towards messages. If it's going to be used somewhat more generically then the ios and android libs will probably need some altering since they call .clearAll() on disconnect, to avoid the apps clearing each others messages.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for zerodogg

    I'm writing an activity reminder (somewhat similarly to lazybones, but not implemented as a clock replacement). It's running as a background task (boot.js) and checks activity once an hour. If activity has been below a set threshold I need to display a full-screen message (and vibrate, that part I've got). How would I best do that? Can I use E.showMessage(), or will that end up corrupting parts of the display for the clock? Do I need to load() a separate JS-file that shows the full screen message? As an alternative I'm considering just using the framework from the messages app and simply triggering a pushMessage for that (though I'd prefer the app being able to display on its own, for flexibility).
