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Member since Mar 2022 • Last active Mar 2022
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    Avatar for user141797

    @Gordon Yes, I have tried to connect to the NRF Toolbox. I ordered two watches from Kickstarter, the other watch is from a friend of mine. I can connect to my friend's watch without any problems, but unfortunately not to mine. I have also tried to connect to my watch with several devices.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user141797

    Yes, I have tried everything too. I have to admit that I don't know exactly when it stopped working. I was able to connect to the watch via Bluetooth, but that was probably 2 weeks ago.I also tried using the NRF toolbox, but unfortunately I couldn't find the watch there. I also tried using the NRF Toolbox, but I couldn't find the watch there.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user141797

    Exact same issue here, also got my watch from the kickstarter and can't connect :(
