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I can confirm that commit 5be8869ae36b7d9fe955e1b1071b9f8a58a038cf produces the problem:
let firstFix = true; let mesureStartTime; let latestLogTime; function calcTimeDifference(fix) { if (!fix.time) { return; } const currentDateTime = new Date(); const delta = currentDateTime - fix.time; if (firstFix || delta < 0) { // Set the time to the first time received, or if the time is behind the GPS time // because we have a forward drift console.log(`${fix.time.toISOString()} Start measuring`); setTime((new Date() - delta) / 1000); firstFix = false; mesureStartTime = latestLogTime = new Date(); } else if (!latestLogTime || (currentDateTime - latestLogTime) > 60000) { const measureSeconds = (currentDateTime - mesureStartTime) / 1000; console.log(`${currentDateTime.toISOString()} difference ${(delta / 1000).toFixed(3)} second/s within ${measureSeconds.toFixed(3)} second/s`); latestLogTime = currentDateTime; } } console.log(process.env.VERSION); Bangle.on("GPS", calcTimeDifference); Bangle.setGPSPower(1);
2v21.123 2024-06-23T18:08:40.000Z Start measuring 2024-06-23T18:09:40.012Z difference 0.013 second/s within 60.009 second/s 2024-06-23T18:10:40.020Z difference 0.020 second/s within 120.016 second/s 2024-06-23T18:11:40.025Z difference 0.025 second/s within 180.022 second/s 2024-06-23T18:12:40.033Z difference 0.034 second/s within 240.030 second/s 2024-06-23T18:13:41.026Z difference 0.026 second/s within 301.023 second/s 2024-06-23T18:14:42.019Z difference 0.019 second/s within 362.016 second/s 2024-06-23T18:15:42.023Z difference 0.024 second/s within 422.020 second/s
2v21.124 2024-06-23T18:49:06.063Z Start measuring 2024-06-23T18:50:06.106Z difference 0.044 second/s within 60.039 second/s 2024-06-23T18:51:06.146Z difference 0.084 second/s within 120.079 second/s 2024-06-23T18:52:06.182Z difference 0.119 second/s within 180.116 second/s 2024-06-23T18:53:06.216Z difference 0.153 second/s within 240.149 second/s 2024-06-23T18:54:06.250Z difference 0.187 second/s within 300.183 second/s 2024-06-23T18:55:06.286Z difference 0.224 second/s within 360.219 second/s 2024-06-23T18:56:06.328Z difference 0.266 second/s within 420.262 second/s
Change #L95 from
if (this.onPressure) Bangle.removeListener('onPressure', this.onPressure);
if (this.onPressure) Bangle.removeListener('pressure', this.onPressure);
('pressure' not 'onPressure')
should fix it.
it looks like Gadgetbridge sends sent commands to all connected Bangles via the integrated Apploder.
I have connected 2 Bangles at the same time.
When I open the apploader after a short time the message "Getting app list failed, invalid JSON" appears.Because I wanted to clean up my Test Bangle I went to the "More" tab and clicked "Remove all Apps".
Then both bangles were "cleaned up".
Gadgetbridge Version: 0.71.2a-banglejs
I think you mean something like this:
new Issue linkBut then you lose the Github forms option, which we are using at the moment.
I have created 2 pull requests.
The first one adds the versions to the list of installed apps (preview:
The second adds a "New issue on github" button that opens a new pre-filled issue on github.
Until the PRs are merged, the issue is pre-filled with only the firmware version of the connected bangle.
@user157973 are you from Turkey?
In Turkish the small i is missing the dot, if I remember correctly.
Could be a character set problem.