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Sounds really cool, unfortunately not at home right now so can not follow directly, but will do later on.
Did you manage to open a console as well (in part like the left side of the WebIDE?)PS: I did see the project stuff going on in the WebIDE, but did not understand completely how to work with it until now. I'm fighting repeated human errors with saving different files (*.app.js, *.info etc.) via WebIDE -having repeatedly overwritten wrong files :-/
this looks pretty cool, thanks for sharing! I will try this with an external IDE later on.
Did you by chance find any setup for an external IDE (besides the online or offline WebIDE) offering code completion for Espruino, or do you use the WebIDE with your "upload on save" feature?
Thanks, Joost
Ah, just for anybody blind as I am - the "watch and upload" function is to be found in the online version of the IDE at and seems unavailable in the Chrome webapp.