Avatar for Camo


Member since Dec 2021 • Last active Dec 2021
  • 0 conversations

English isn't my native language, sorry if I sound awkward or make mistakes !

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Camo

    I tried what's in the 2nd entry of the FAQ , but nothing works
    Connecting from the App Loader gets stuck at this step :
    (Also I'm fine with making a new thread if necessary of course !)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Camo

    I tried holding the button when stuck on storage ok screen until the screen changes, and it worked, the reboot ended on the clock this time

    My watch seems to work pretty well again- at least the whole storage ok screen process didn't reappear yet

    Now the only issue that I'm aware of, is that I can't connect my phone to the watch (my phone can connect with other Bluetooth devices just fine, I just double checked that) and I'm a bit confused about that unexpected turn of event and new problem I admit ^^'

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Camo

    Hi !

    I updated default apps and downloaded a few ones and some widgets something like 30 minutes ago, and I since have the same stuck-at-"checking storage... Storage ok"-screen issue (2v10.219)

    I also can't find anything wrong with the apps, so I'll wait for a fix. Just wanted to mention this for more feedback :)

    Edit : even if set to "stay connectable", the watch is now unable to connect to my smartphone. I didn't have this problem before the changes I did earlier, I don't know if it's linked to the main problem at hand here tho
