Avatar for Andres


Member since Dec 2021 • Last active Jun 2022
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Andres

    Oh, glad to hear, that would be perfect. I'll wait for that then. Thanks!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Andres

    I'm wondering what options there are for initiating HTTP requests from Bangle 2. I found this thread which was helpful, but it's a bit old and I have some questions.

    I'm looking for a way to initiate an HTTP request from the Bangle by for example sending some data over BLE to an Android phone and the phone would perform the HTTP request. However, I read that the Bangle can only have one bluetooth connection at a time. My phone is normally connected to Gadgetbridge all the time. Would that interfere with sending data over BLE? If I have to manually disconnect Gadgetbridge first, then it's kind of pointless.

    Also, is there any way to send data to Gadgetbridge for it to perform an HTTP request? It would eliminate the need to write a separate Android app. I'd rather avoid having to write an Android app and would prefer to use something like Dory NodeJS instead to run a small NodeJS script in the background. But if Gadgetbridge could do it, wouldn't even need that.

    Any examples would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
